

Last birthday
She was late; I sighed. It was really hard to keep up with a best friend who couldn't even keep the rules of punctuality. I stared at my wristwatch, 3:32, she was supposed to be here 62 minutes ago. I was starting to ask myself why I was still here waiting when a waitress walked up to my table.
"I'm sorry, it's been over an hour you've been sitting here with this cake you order, are you waiting for someone?".
"Uh... yeah I am".
"And the person hasn't showed up for about an hour?" She asked with a questioning look that immediately dropped seconds after.
"I'm sorry, it isn't my business, enjoy your waiting",she said giving me a wave as she shasayed away. I felt so humiliated, I couldn't take it anymore, stood up, left the cake and walked the restaurant. She was the one who decided to spend her birthday here with me.. just the two of us, and now she didn't even show up. I groaned and took out the movie tickets that were in my hoodie, they were her birthday presents, I was taking her to see her favorite movie. I took out my phone and tried calling her but it didn't go through.
"Could this day get any worse?" I thought, and just like a response, thunder struck and rain poured.
"Seriously!!" I yelled out and quicked my pace till I reached a bustop, I sat down and tried reaching her again but it still didn't go through.
"Where are you, Sam", and just then my phone rang, "Sam!" I said hopefully, not bothering to check the caller.
"No Dave, it's me, Zoey"
I sighed, "Hey sis, what's up".
"Where are you, have you checked the news?" She was talking with her concerned tone, but I was too worried about Sam to bother.
"Listen Zoey, I'll talk to you later. I've got to reach Sam, bye".
"But Dave-" I hung up, I was about trying Sam's number again when I heard..
"Dave?"I froze for a second and looked up, standing in front of me was my bestie in the blue hoodie I had bought for her last week, her long black hair was down which she doesn't do, but only on special occasions, she looked amazing, except from the fact that she wasn't smiling and her eyes were puffy and red.
"Sam!!" I exclaimed as I pulled her into my arms gave a bear hug, she felt cold, like really cold, even with the hoodie, but I shrugged it off with the fact that it was raining heavily.
"Where've you been?, do you know how long I've been waiting in Nachoball, I was so mad I left the cake there, and we were supposed to go see a movie too, plus why weren't you answering my calls?, I was worried sick!!". I said all this still holding her, I didn't even give her a chance to speak, I kept going on and on until I heard her sniff.
I didn't even realize she was crying, I released her from my hug, "I'm so sorry Sam, I shouldn't be yelling, besides it's your birthday", I said wiping the tears from her eyes.
"It's okay" she finally said. "At least I get to see you" she looked at me hopefully, I didn't get what she meant but I didn't question her. I just smiled and said, "Happy birthday Sam".
"Thanks Dave", her voice was a bit shaken, like she was going to burst into tears any minute, I lifted up her chin so she could look at me in the eye.
"Sam, what's wrong", and thats when she grabbed me tight and DID burst into tears.
"I'm really sorry Dave, I wasn't good enough for you, and now I'm can't even keep you, I'm scared Dave I don't wanna go, I don't want to live without you, I.. I love you Dave!". I froze, but she continued," And I'm scared you'll forget me",
"I can never forget you, Sam and I never you, I pulled her out of my arms and held on to her shoulders, "Don't you ever say that okay, I will always, Always be there for you" I assured her softly.
"But what if you're not there, then what?" she said in a whisper.
I stroked her long black hair and said,"Then remember that my love is", I closed the gap between us and placed my lips on hers, when though she felt cold, her lips were ever so warm, I felt like kiss her forever, but unfortunately we were interrupted by a phone call from Zoey, I groaned which made Sam giggle as I picked the call.

"I gotten your location, I'm coming there to pick you now!" Zoey said in a stern voice.
" I'm fine big sis, look I'm taking a bus home with Sam, I see you soon, bye".
" What!! --",and again I hung up on her. Sam stared at me, surprised like she'd just seen a ghost.

"Nothing" she lowered her face, she didn't like Zoey, I knew from the start so I guessed it was because of that.

Just then a bus pulled over in front of us, I took Sam's hand which was still freezing cold and was about to walk us into the bus, when she didn't burge.
"My dad needs me at home, Dave". she said her head still lowered.
"But.. your birthday" I was heartbroken, "we were spending it together".
"We already did, and guess what I already got my birthday wish", she said with a smile and she raised her head up to look at me. "To see you today". she gave me a quick kiss, and ran off.

"Sam!!", I followed her but I couldn't catch up, she was too quick as the pouring rain didn't do any help, I walked back to the bustop and luckily the bus was still there, I climbed it, and fell in the seat, I was drenched and cold, the bus-driver was giving me this horrified look but I didn't care, all I could think of was Sam, she kissed me, I couldn't help smiling, I promised myself to call her as soon as I get home.
And lucky for me it wasn't that long, I dropped down from the bus and walked up to my porch, the rain had stopped but the sky's were still grey.

I stopped in front of the porch, everyone was outside, mum, Zoey, Uncle Joe, even the neighbors were on my porch but dad wasn't there, I let out a laugh, "seriously guys I'm fine, can't I come home a bit late all of a sudden, anyways today was great, me and Sam-" I was about telling everyone how my day went when Zoey interrupted.

"Dave stop please". Just then Sam's father came out of the house with my dad, I was shocked. "Wait, Sam told me you needed her at home", I said referring to Sam's father. He sighed," Dave--", he couldn't even finish his words, he looked so pale, I didn't know what was going on but I felt it wasn't good.

"Where's Sam" I asked him quietly, he just turned his face from me and shook his head, then I yelled, "I said where's Sam!!!!", I was freaking out, why wasn't anyone answering me.

Then Zoey walked up to me, she brought out her phone, pressed some buttons and shoved the phone screen in my face, it was the news headlines, there was a head-on collision between a lorry and a taxi earlier in the day, all the victims were found dead. then the list of victims were mention, third on the list was Sam Holland, my Sam... then I bursted into laughter, everyone was so shocked.

"I'm sorry but there's been a misunderstanding somewhere, I just saw Sam like about 10 minutes ago, at the bustop, Zoey, you called me and I told you I'll be coming home with Sam with the bus!!". I said, my hands were trembling.
"Dave I don't know who you were talking to at that bustop, or who you were with, but what I know is Sam is gone, she died this morning in a car accident". Zoey told me firmly staring at me straight in the eye.

And it just made me furious, "Sam isn't dead!, I talked to her at the bustop, she told me she loved me,she kissed me for heavens sake, I wasn't dreaming, or do you think I was talking to a ghost?!"I yelled, but then a second later I froze,

**At least I get to see you, I'm scared you'll forget me, To see you today**.

It was all coming back to me, all the things she said, her unexplainable cold temperature,her expression when I told Zoey I was coming home with her...the bus-driver shocked face!!.

I stared at everyone as they stared right back at me, "I'm sorry Dave", Zoey said. I looked back at her, "No, I'm sorry", those are the only words that came out before I lost consciousness.

**I love you, Dave**

© Willy_Bikky