

Can't We Just Talk ? : Carinae 's Rebellion
Cordelia' s face was swollen and bloodied and her back , although bloody , didn't have the excessive ' tic tac toe ' appearance . That was because Aphrodite wasn't done yet . The devil barely started .
" Please stop ! Mom , please ! " , Cordelia had screamed out much earlier . " I'm sorry !! "
Now , she was silent as her mother had beaten her " appropriately " . She stayed silent as her irises faded . Every strike brought a brutal gash . No more insults . Just silence . Just blood .
Carinae was particularly moved by the gory incident , crying loudly for her sister . She tried to stand up but was too weak to break the constraints at first , her head swinging and vision moving in and out of focus . The black haired woman breathed hard . She felt like throwing up . Persephone was enveloped in a strange purple aura . She was trying to heal herself .
" Stop !" Carinae shouted at Aphrodite . The shouting didn't detour the pretty woman as she merely looked at her , smiling profusely . Something about that smile , it awakened a deep , deadly rage . She stood up , snapping the chains effortlessly and charged at her mother , unveiling a dagger from her long sleeve . Her eyes glowed red , crackling with a foreign energy .
Persephone was awakened by the ordeal as Carinae fought Aphrodite . Two fourteen foot giantesses going at it . The Authority was fighting itself . Why .
Carinae slugged Aphrodite in the nose , before bringing a roundhouse kick to the face with her iron - lined boots . The force alone would smash in a normal person' s face . However , Capasians are incredibly resilient , especially Aphrodite , whom possesses nigh invulnerability .

Carinae was in for the long haul , anyway .
