

Surya - chapter one
'Like parents like children 'This phrase is so apt. I remember the day my younger brother was done taking the bullies of his school . It was a beautiful December morning everything was going as per routine. We got ready and went to school. My brother was a little upset that day as if something is bothering him. He went to his class ina rush without talking to me . I was very worried but I had to go to my class.
I went to my class and everything happened normally. Then suddenly in the second period we heard a gun fire. We rushed to the spot and I was flabbergasted as there was my younger innocent brother lying in a pool of blood. I was shell shocked and I fainted. This boy was very close to me . I had treated him just like my son and there he was lying in a pool of blood as he is dead .
I rushed to the reception to call my parents . I called my mom and she is on her way. I was so shocked I just couldn't tell her anything I could just utter mom hurry up surya needs us mom mom. She sensed the urgency in my voice and she rushed to get in the car. My parents have come and my mom has fainted seeing surya . Everyone is saying he is no more. This cannot be possible he was just sitting by me in the morning. Tes he was a little worried . Not little worried very worried but still he was there he went to his class. Class his teachers are saying he had not attended a single class since morning . Where was he then. Where could he have gone . Where could surya have gone.
Ahem where is ahem ? There he is .. Ahem where was surya . I just came to school I was sick in the morning di. Then I hear my mom howling surya . I rush tomy mom. Mom stop crying surya will be fine. No shanaya he will never come back now he is gone forever. Noooooooo mom this is not true surya will get up surya surya cummonget up .. why are young its school time common wake up .
Suryaaaa. We are in the hospital doctors say he was shot dead. They are going to conduct the post matam and give us the body tomorrow. Body no it's not a body it's my brother . Suryaaaa where have you gone . Who will play with my barbies with me. Who will trouble me when I am studying. My mom comes to me and consoles me. Everything will be fine shanaya dont cry my baby girl.
But surya willnotcome back maa. Why did he have to go I want him to come back maa. No baby I wish this was possible I would have ran and got him back myself. Who will come in the middle of night and wake me up now. Who will not do hw and make me run after him. Who will?. And mum starts to cry again. This is going to be like this now. Mom is going to cry all day night long. I know what she needs now. She needs her own mom now. Where is mumma ph here it is.
Hello ridhima . No nana this is me shanaya. Yes baby why are you not at school. Nana surya has left us all. Where baby but he was not scheduled to any trip in the winter. No nana he is no more. What are you saying shanaya ? Yes nana mumma needs you we are in the civil hospital please come soon.
The next thing I know my nana is in the hospital and my nana my mumma my papa everyone is crying. We are crying for the fact if by chance we would have kept him home maybe he would have been with us. As we are all engrossed in our own thoughts a team of doctors come to us and tell us to meet them in their cabs . My parents enter the cabin and the first thing the doctors tell my parents is that are you aware that your 6 year old child was under the influence of drugs.. there is pin drop silence in the room . My parents are shell shocked so is my nana and so is me.. how can a 6 year old be under the influence of drugs.

© hridya