

The alligator
Alligator: I just want to be king again
Among my kin. To be able to swim without fear and defeat
Just to lay in the heat.
Without a worry without being harassed.

Hygena: You should asked.
About why your just a failure to your own kind.
So get behind
Me and swim far away
Cause today
I'm feared among the Kings

Alligator: You don't pull the strings. I can swim here and there and everywhere.
I admit I suffered from depression and I guess in your world, that makes me weak.
Some days I guess I'm on the break
And don't want to exist
But now, I been getting help with my therapist,

Hygena: oh really, your so silly.

Alligator: seriously, I will raise again and be the main predator of the Nile.
And no I'm not in denial.

Hygena: I will just sit, awhile you try to prove it.

Alligator: ok

Narrator: The alligator's cry echoed through the jungle, capturing the attention of every animal. Even the mighty lion was moved by its powerful sound.

Hygena: Wow! I can feel your pain. Even the tears fall down the lion's Main. I'm sorry for every bullying you

Alligator: I hope what your saying is true. I'm not perfect, I have my days where I feel low. But there something you should know. My emotions is want keep me strong.

Hygena : your right my friend. I will go and let you be king.

Narrator: Depression and mental disorders do not make individuals weak; on the contrary, they can make them stronger