


We are best buddies,
Just like we promised to be.

I am silent,
You are vocal.

I am ill-tempered,
You know how to control your emotions.

I easily get irritated,
But you always manage not to argue with small things.

I am no romantic,
But you are.

I like a girl,
You said you're happy for me.

I am sheepish,
But you encouraged me to court her.

I courted her,
You said you are more than happy than before. 

She dumped me,
You're there to comfort me.

I saw her again with someone,
But this time she's with you.

I confronted you,
You didn't deny it.

For the first time, I manage to stop my anger,
But you threw those hurtful words at me.

"You'll choose her over me? You are going to betray me because you like her?"
You shrugged.

I didn't stop you,
You chose her.

The most hurtful part is you're secretly in a relationship with her while I am courting her,
Where's my best buddy?

You said there's no betraying,
We promised no girl can destroy our friendship.

But once you are fooled by love,
You are like a blind man, who cannot see other's good intentions.

A rainbow becomes white and black,
Like fresh air becomes dust. 

A wild lion was tamed,
Like our friendship become a nightmare.

You left me,
But you will always be my best friend...

© shesprettyvillain