

His Gratitude
He told her he loved her and asked her if she does too. But she told him she doesn't, that that was the truth. And she left him there and firmly walked away. He wanted to call her name, to stop her, to beg her but no coherent sounds made there way out. For he saw the quiver on her ethereal face, glimpsed the unshed tears threatening to fall from her beautiful eyes, heard the soft whimper from her tantalizing lips. He saw it all and knew, somehow knew that she loves him too. And he realized what she's done, the price she paid for loving a foolish man. And he cried. Cried for her sacrifice, cried for his blindness, cried for their fate. For they can never be together when he's already tied to another. He saw her turn a corner and could tell she stopped, he clenched his fists tight and held himself back because he also knew that this was hard for her too. Knew that the pain he felt can never be compared to hers. So he just looked to the heavens and let the tears fall and said a silent prayer for her to find happiness and true love above all. He thanked her for saving him and firmly swore that he'll protect the family she had sacrificed for. Swore to always love her still and remember her beautiful soul. Swore that if they couldn't be together in this lifetime, then on the next he'll find her first and love her first and love her for evermore.