

No cry No hurt
I never want to see you cry as you hurt deeply inside and nobody knows what you truly go through in life. so never let anyone put you down no matter what cuz all they want to do is make you feel hurt cuz they're lost in the world of pain . They want to put you down but they don't realize they're just hurting themselves until they realize they start to lose everyone they have but there's always somebody that never gives up and please don't mess that up cuz if you do you would have no one to go to and no one to help you need it the most. How could I be blinded enough to not see the love everybody was trying to show me when I was at my worst. And I didn't know until I believed my own eyes that that everybody was just trying to help but I couldn't let anyone know cuz I didn't want it to see the sadness and hurt emotionally cuz of the words that come out of my mouth and the actions that made me become the monster I was now the days fly by and I realized now how much I was important into this world and no one wanted to see me hurt
© Sometimes It Hurts