

Pretty Woman
Title: Pretty Woman

Douglas Booth as Bright
Ansel Elgort as Dylan
Yaya Sperbund as Dao
Kim Woltemas as Ellery

Pretty Woman

Hi Everyone my name is Bright McKnight 30years of age. I was born and raised in London. I don’t believe in true love because I never fall in love. I’m a womanizer before I met her. This is my love story.
When my dad sent me in L.A I met Dylan Fitzgerald he is also a womanizer. He has 2 best friends they are Josh and Kenneth. American men. All of us are womanizer. But Josh has the most dazzling visuals. Kenneth owns the bar.
The reason why my dad sent me in L.A is because I need to save our company. I don’t know what to do. Dylan decided to helps me. He introduced me to his father. And he is willing to invest.
After a couple of weeks our company was getting bigger. Thanks to his dad. One day Dylan invited us to go in Thailand to look for his long lost sister. His dad has a daughter. Her name is Dao.
Dao is 29 years of age. We went at Thailand to look for Dao.
“Where here at Thailand” We said
“I want to try Thai women” (giggling) said Kenneth
“Me too” Said Josh
“Guys enough. Where here because we need to find my sister” Dylan
“He is right where not here for girls” I said.
“What are you crazy?” -Josh
“That’s impossible” -Kenneth
“Just kidding” (laughing) I said.
After 2 days finally we found her. She is from middle class. She is so cute and full of energy. Her mom introduced Dylan to her. She knew everything and its ok for her to meet her dad.
“Hi Dao I’m Dylan your brother”
“I’m Dao. Don’t worry I understand what’s happened to our parents”
“These are my best friends Josh, Kenneth and Bright”
“Hi I’m Josh”
“And I’m Kenneth”
“Guys she’s my sister don’t forget”
“Hi everyone. Who wants to stroll here in Thailand? Before we go back to L.A”
“Us” We raised our hands.
While strolling Josh and Kenneth met two American women in Thailand. Josh and Kenneth making out with them.
“Guys see you tomorrow” Josh said
“Bye!” Kenneth added.
Josh and Kenneth left us after eating lunch. So Where three. I asks her a few questions regarding her.
“Do you have siblings on your mother side?” I asks her.
“I’m only child” Dao replied to me.
“That’s nice me too”
While having conversations with Dao. There was a girl calls her name.
“Ellery Khun pen xyangri” (how are you)
“Chan sbay di” (I’m great)
“Phwk khea pen khir” (who are they)
“Nxng chay khxng chan. Pheuxn khxng khea” (My brother and his friend)
“Dylan and Bright she is my best friend her name is Ellery”
“You look so beautiful do you have foreign blood” I asks her.
“Yes my dad is American” she said
“That’s great”
“Be gentleman she is Dao’s best friend” Dylan whispered to me.
“Come join us” Dylan offered a chair.
“No thanks I have to go” Ellery response
“Chan kalang ca pi L.A phuex pi ha phx khxng chan” (By the way Dao next week I’m going to L.A to see my dad.)
“Chan dwy” (me too)
“Laew cex kan” ( see you there )
“Phb kan him” ( see you )

To be continue....

guys I'm not thai I don't know how to speak their language. I used google english translator while writing the script. Iam english writer. I apologized if I'm wrong grammar in Thai.

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