

Losing Me
I never knew love as a child everyone that used that phrase with me well let's just say they ended up hurting me in some awful ways. So I ran from it he'll I ran so fucking fast you would have thought I broke the sound barrier.
Yup, I was in this bubble and I knew I just knew my heart was safe. Did I mention I was so full of myself that even I wanted to slap myself?
So I just moved to a cute house in a neighborhood near my work. Met some of the locals and made friends with big-mouth Betty.
So one day I was all dressed up and looking so cute when this God-awful guy comes into Betty he gives me his hand like to shake it and I almost threw up, he didn't get mad or upset he smiled and at that moment I fell hook line and sinker.
His name was Rodney and we became friends and eventually lovers. His was a different type of love that I had never felt. Being respected taught me how to love myself and not take myself so seriously.
Right around that time,...