


Since I was born and grew , I've never seen my mother wear nice clothes as others women do , my dad does not also dress in expensive cloth. In the whole Asato township my family always look different because we were poor . My father Mr Odoom who was just farmer and My mother Maame Yaa always assists my father in other to make ends meet . Some I and my brother Kofi needs to stop school for a whole academic year just because there was no money to pay for our fees , we work on people's farm land to get food to eat . One day my dad called me at dawn to talk to me as his elder son.

Father:Kwadjo; I called you here so that we can talk as father and son . You know the issue of this family , due to that your education is pending. I will like you to go to the city and work there to get some money so that you can continue the education and take of your younger brother too.
Me:Ok papa ,am ready to do everything to take care of my self, you , my mother and my younger brother. But who will I go to the city and how will i survive there .
Father:My dear , don't worry ..... people went there as strangers too ,just like you , but favour located them just because of their ATTITUDE . Just humble yourself to anyone you will meet out there and that is the only way you can get helper
Me:Ok papa I've heard all you said and I promise I won't disappoint you .
Father: Ok ..... thank you for understanding me .

I've started journey from Asato to the City in the morning. From asato to Accra was a journey of 4 hours 30minutes . I got to Accra safely when the sunset. I was just roaming till the next day when I met a man called Mr. Jerry , he was a teacher and a businessman as well . He took me to his house and we had a very long conversation; where I told him everything about my family and the reason why am in the city. He felt bad .... it was as clear as crystal that he was really hurt. He gave me a room for my self ...... I stay there and help him in his business when he goes to school , I got him new customers and he was so much happy for that .

After serving Mr Jerry for over 5 years ; I decided to go back to the village. I told him the day I will be leaving and he agreed. That day came but he advised I should stay for another week .. it was a sad news for me though but I've decided to obey because he has been a very good man to me since the first day I met him .

I told Pa Joe about what my Master said to me , and he was not happy because paa he also wanted to go and see his parents at Dansoman . Pa Joe was with my Master before I came , though he was the security , my Master treats him well .

Pa Joe advised we should steal his money and run away , But after thinking for a while I decided not to do that to man who helped him . I will wait till when I will leave to see what he will give me for serving him . Pa Joe couldn't hear me out so he decided to use force . In the evening when out Master came back home , Pa Joe forced him that he should allow him go so he is tired , as he tried talking to Pay Joe , he didn't hear him out so he decided to allow him go .

Now am alone , I served as the security as well too since the security left .
Now we are in the week my Master asked to leave , he asked to follow me to the village and I didn't argue .

He got to the village in the night . Papa , Mama and Kofi were asleep before we got there . The whole family were happy when they saw me appearing so nice and handsome.
The next day Mr Jerry and my parents did some introductions to know each other , after that He said he is talking us all back to City . We were all surprised when he said that , and he said that's how he wants to help me and my family .

He also asked to take care of me and brother . That was my happiest moment in life.

Early the next day , we all moved to the Tema , Mr Jerry bought my family a big house and a brand new car. He bought a provision shop for my mom and bought a car for my dad too.

My parents were surprised , so they asked why he did all this .

Mr Jerry said I was faithful and Royal to him . I've never lied to him before. I've always respected him so these is what he can do to pay me for my good work done .