

The Comet
Continue from last part,

The Next Morning,
I woke up with a headache from a loud vibrating sound A plane flew over the building Roaring across the sky,
I felt Hungover! I open my eyes and the light was too bright squinching tightly feeling like shit.
I think I had too much of Jim, Need to cut down I replied moaning.
Sitting up placing my hand on my head ' OH My head,
I felt dizzy' Looking around, Everything was moving at a rapid speed.
Very slowly I took my time to stand up hanging onto the bed Slowly making my way into the bathroom Stumbling getting undressed hopping into the shower Turning
It on. I can feel the hot water hitting my body reacting bloody hell to hot quickly turning the cold water on the temperature was getting better as I ran my fingers under the water.
Washing my self I felt better when I was having a shower but I really can do with a cup of coffee,
After the shower, I got dressed and went outside, and turn on the kettle as I made myself a cup of coffee.
Standing in the kitchen leaning against the cupboard I drank my coffee not realizing what the time was, knowing I had to go to work I had to be careful because I wasn't feeling good and was not to supposed to come to work drunk.
I grabbed my things and I was about to walk out of my apartment when something strange came over me, Knot sure what it was but it didn't feel right.
I turn around looking back scoping the apartment feeling unsure before walking out closing the door behind me.
Arriving at work I stopped outside the building standing staring up at the building,
I walked inside and entered the lobby making my way to the cafe
Grabbing a cup of coffee and a toasted sandwich.
I took the lift to the floor ' Walking into the office walking around past Sandy's desk Arriving at my desk.
Placing my bag onto the floor,
I looked around noticing no one wasn't around' Not even Dave wasn’t here that was strange I thought.
Dave usually here early, the boss and sandy weren’t as well. Something was off it didn't feel right, I had this feeling when I was leaving the apartment,
I felt there was something not right here.
Slowly I stood up walking over to the office door Taking a peek scouting the room ' I even knocked and said Hello ' Is anyone there, But no one answered.
Closing the door behind me I stared back around and scan the whole office looking at everyone's empty desks,
I went back to my desk and sat down
Again looking up scanning thinking to myself Why isn't anyone here, Talking to myself I must be early that's why no is here but I stared at the clock it was after ten.
Few hours went by ' I stared at the time it was 12:13 pm " Still no one was here, I looked up I wonder what day it was, I checked the day Wednesday, Yes! I said to myself. it is not a public holiday and it's a normal day. Am I awake or am I dreaming?
I decided to pinch myself to make sure I'm not dreaming, OK that hurt so I'm not dreaming.
I can't put my head around it I don’t understand,
So I just ignored the time and stopped work
I decided to get up stretch my legs as I turned around to stand near the window. starring outside noticing everything was fine the streets were busy people were walking around I decided to take a break and head down to the cafe down in the lobby,
grabbing my self a coffee and something to eat so I left the office heading down the stairs,
I walked halfway down when I Suddenly stopped standing on the platform realizing I was drinking last night knowing and I came to work a bit tipsy.
Thinking its Jim tormenting me' I kept on walking down until a voice echoed in the stairwell What are you doing, Reacting quickly I stopped and looked up A voice appeared again But this time it said my name Phil what are you doing, It sounded like Dave calling out to me so I replied' I'm going to get lunch, Hearing nothing and no response I decided to keep on walking reaching the lobby when I thought to my self It's about time someone has arrived.
Things got weirder when I arrived in the cafe They're is no one around it looked deserted, I couldn't see anyone around It can't be closed, I said Please don't do this. Looking around and the cafe isn't open I couldn't believe it I did that one thing what event else does when the cafe is closed get a coffee down at the local seven-eleven and their coffees are shit and I mean they are crap but I have a choice at this point.
Exiting the building I Looked around taking in the fresh air breathing in I looked around,
walking across the street and down the road.
A security guard named Ron baker who was doing his patrol was standing at the window on the 3rd floor Watching me as I stood on the footpath. He gazed upon me as I disappeared up the street,
Walking along the footpath I looked around noticing seven eleven just up ahead and I looked around when a man in a Drench coat walked past.
Staring up at the sign I entered the store grabbing myself a coffee Minding my own business the stove person greeted me but I just ignore her, Paying for my coffee I was about to walk out when I heard the woman say ' Rude, I gazed back at her then left the store Heading back to work taking the same path I took as I got here.
Arriving back at the building The security guard was at the main door standing stiff and curious as he looked around.
He spotted me from across the road as I approached him When I got close Ron asked ' Are you ok he asked In a curious voice, I stopped suddenly ' Yeah am fine I said as I turned back at The Security guard followed me from behind and said are u sure your ok, of course, I said, Why. Just asking. Making conversation I asked have you seen anyone else working here today, The security guard just nodded his head and with his bottom lip, he replied, No just you, oh ok I replied.
Walking towards the lift I stood thinking to myself That's strange he has never said anything to me before and that was weird he is usually quite never speaks to anyone.
Pressing the button to the lift I waited to have this feeling that I was being watched I turned my head glancing back noticing the guard was staring at me.
I gave him another nod with a grin when he smirked back at me,
I felt strange and unsure about him but I can't put my finger on it, the lift door opened I got in and turned around facing the door when the security guard slowly turned around facing outside having his back to me.
Staring at him the sun was shining all around him and then ' something bizarre accrued,
what I recall is the light had covered Ron until he became silo wet in the light then he disappeared just as before the doors closed.
Back in the office standing in the middle of the room I looked around knowing I heard Dave's voice in the stairwell, Calling out Dave are you here, scanning the whole office and nothing No one was here I'm all alone I frowned and started to wonder if I was losing my mind.
I'm sure I heard Dave's voice in the stairwell I'm positive, Standing there arguing with myself I needed to sit down so I walked back to my desk sat down starring all around.
Wiping my eyes then placing my hands on my head I'm starting to get a headache from thinking too much, I looked down at the computer started to type heading back to work focusing on my work instead.
An hour went by and I was getting bored
Raising my head I thought to my self I can do my work at home so I grabbed my bag
Information I needed and went home,
Leaving the office turning off the lights and closed the main door.
Walking to the lift I stopped above the stairs looking down then back at the lift,
I was deciding what to do take the lift or take the stairs ' whispering I Hope no one sees me leaving.
Quickly I walked down the stairs and reaching the bottom Slowly my pace trying to be quiet as I reached the door to the lobby, Opening the door I see no one around so I made my way towards the front door.
About to walk out and the security guard Ron came out of nowhere " Phil, I paused still knowing that I was caught, Where are you going He asked Oh I'm going home for the day to do my work there I have too much to do, But it's only after one o'clock I studded and replied Well I know but I thought I can focus a lot more if I was at home I just can't think at the moment. Fair enough Ron said So I smiled and nodded my head as I rushed out the door.
Leaving the building knowing the security guard had seen me and interacted with me I hope he doesn't say anything, Making my way down the street Ron watched me through the glass door as I walked along in the distance.
On the way home I started to feel uneasy as I knew I don’t usually do this going home early and leaving work, I feel bad for doing it but it's too late now I'm Nealy home.
Arriving in my apartment ' I place my bag down near the side table and placed my keys in the jar.
Starring down looking at the empty glass I hesitated to fill the glass and moved away walking to the bedroom, Sitting down on the end of the bed I placed my hands over my face rubbing my eyes.
Sighing as I lay down on the bed, Starring up at the ceiling it took some time but my eye got heavier slowly drifted off to sleep.
Moments later my phone rang ' I woke up quickly and wearing it " Hello, as I moaned you are late again - It was my boss What Don't What me why Aren’t you at work! Oh shit! I sat up quickly" Umm, I was there earlier but no one wasn’t there, I'm here I wouldn't be ringing you otherwise - That’s crap talk Phillip excuse' We have been here all morning and you haven’t come back to work" But you weren't there I promise I was there and I didn't see anyone,
Don't give me that we all saw acting strange
Have you been drinking Phil, No sir, I hope not for your sake,
I jumped to my feet pacing up and down the room listening to the boss' He didn't sound happy.
I apologize very quickly, I'm so sorry it won't happen again, I'll get my stuff and come back in, No don't worry about forget about it you're lucky it's a quiet day stay home but I want to see you in my office first thing in the morning, Yes Boss Sorry again, Stop saying sorry it's getting on my nerves, I'm sorry I said it again Bloody hell I shut my mouth, Click' The boss hanged up. Hitting the phone on my head Stupid Stupid Stupid I repeatedly saying to myself, Talking to myself I mumbled when I paced outside in the lounge room.
Walking over to the cabinet picking up the glass I poured myself then walking over to my bag grabbing the file sitting at my laptop spending the rest of the day working on my laptop.
Taking a sip from Jim placing the glass down as I prepared the laptop waiting for it to load up, sorting out paperwork the screen was ready and I started to work.
Working for hours went past like
It was only there for a short time. My stomach was rumbling I haven't eaten anything I stopped rubbing my stomach as I walked over to the kitchen and made myself something to eat.
I made a bowl of noodles and sat around the table with my mate Jim, taking a few sips I ate my noodles sitting quietly enjoying the peaceful sound with a cool breeze blowing through the apartment.
When I finished dinner I placed the bowl in the sink washing the dishes as I left them on the side to dry,
I went back to the laptop to start working Noticing the time 6:17 pm ' typing away and reading.
It was getting close to midnight and I was rubbing my eyes and yawning knowing I was getting tired Working on a laptop for so long you get tired and worn out,
I decided to go to bed and that wasn't easy because once I laid down I started to worry about tomorrow and what the boss is going to say, My brain won't shut off trying not to think about it but my head is pounding.
I just laid there for a while here slowly falling asleep Closing my eyes waiting hoping I'll drift off but it didn't work I started to sweat '
Feeling the sweat starting to run down my arm I can feel the sweat on my head wiping my forehead with my arm, Bloody hell it's hot. I got out of bed and turned on the fan Laying back down in a few minutes I was still sweaty.
I decided to have a shower getting off my bed walking into the bathroom turning the nozzle, the water runs out with a warm feeling getting in having a nice shower maybe this will help me falls asleep.
Washing myself feeling fresh I put some boxers on and jumped back into bed with the fan blowing on high,
It wasn't long when tiredness had kicked in
My eyelids were getting heavy.
I just laid there Before I knew it I was out like a light, The following morning I was feeling nervous but OK ' Still concern about what was going to happen, I was walking along through the city heading towards work. Something wasn't right I don't know what it is but a strange feeling came over me.
A came to the gutter Stopping on the corner' across the road from work.
I looked around, The traffic was normal there were people all around and I had a strange feeling something wasn't right.
Suddenly I spotted a woman wearing a long red dress very stylish well dressed in high heels walking towards me. Gazing upon her beauty that's when I realized there was no sound from her heels clicking on the concrete pavement, Staring at her watching her walking I notice the heels had no sound even a car drive by but I couldn't hear it.
Focusing on the lady's heels she walked by me smiled as looked back at me as I looked away.
looking around I crossed the road walking up to the building Staring straight up outside of the building I took a moment then walked through the lobby, the cafe was open and there were people around. Heading towards the lift I got Making my way up to the office.
When the doors open I stepped out and turn to notice the office door a few meters away,
I stopped just before the door, Taking a deep breath in Dave sneaked up behind me grabbing my shoulder " Hi Phil ' What are doing out here, I jumped. Shit', Sorry did I scared you, I just looked at him hoping I didn't crap my shorts, I think he knew what I was thinking.
Phil told me Don't worry about the boss you will find come on, Yeah right' I applied as I walked into the main door.
Entering the main office everyone was there the secretary Sandy was looking at me In discuss, The boss saw me walked in Staring at me with a serious look upon his face.
I went straight to my chair sat down quickly unpacking my bag when Dave whispered to me Phil stop panicking,
I gazed around and then I noticed my boss standing next to his door signing me calling me to come into his office. " Phil come to my office, please.
Feeling nerves I stood up Dave had his head down but eyes glancing at me " Good luck,
Walking over to the office " Closing the door behind me, Sit down the boss said as he walked around his desk and sat down.
My nerves were shaking, I knew I was in trouble Sitting down in front of the boss he sat there starring at me with this look of curiosity upon his face.
I have never seen the look on his face before it was intimidating, I couldn’t stare back I was too worried but No if I did that he might think I'm weak I'll stare back but it was difficult to do.
I was uncomfortable and I know he knew that by staring at me.
Suddenly he spoke " why were you late, Phil, was it because you were drinking too much. What I thought to my self ' how did he know I drank Can he smell It on me, I had that shocked look on my face Yes I know all about your friend Jim who you spend time with when your not working.
! What the hell - I didn't tell anyone about that how did he know and how did he know what I drank especially.
Just thinking of Jim I wanted a drink to help me but I couldn't it would've made things worse, Listen Phillip I like you and you have come a long way from when you started to now, learning and growing helping this firm to get where it supposed to be, You deserve it.
But sometimes it comes with a price! Do you know what I mean, I looked at him with a strange look suppose to answer what he was saying but I hesitated.
I want you to understand Phillip the last thing I want to do is to let go of one of my best workers and I hate to make that decision to see that happen. I kept quiet Nodding my head knowing what he meant.
Sighing deeply The boss started talking to me and he was rembling on talking away I listen and nodded my head in respect to the king I have no idea what he was going on about, I assume he was talking about his past with his father and when he was a child.
Looking at me as he stared into my eyes I stared back trying to listen to what he was saying, Then all of a sudden his voice changed it sounded like it was in slow motion. I focused on his mouth moving but I can't hear him.' I don't understand the words he was saying, trying to focus as he sat and stared back at me.
The Boss suddenly stopped talking, Staring back at me, and said ' Are you listening to me Phil, Oh yeah! Of course, The boss stared at me with a twitch in his right eye. knowing I was lying but all he said was Phil ' I know what your thinking, You do, Yeah I do. your probably saying wish he would just shut up and get on with it, I quickly reacted Oh Nooo I wouldn't think of that, As I Shook my head, It's alright I would if I was you but just let me start again, Ook ' I replied shaking my head.
My heart was racing I took a deep breath when The boss started talking again,
I start to wonder The boss has never done this to anyone not even with the staff and also the secretary Sandy who is having affair.
Why is he giving me the talk like this What got my boss like this I thought to myself.
The Boss git right into the conversation starting with the file I'm working on.
He asked How's that file on that suspect coming along, I told him Well I've been ready it and looking at all the evidence and the report especially what he had said,
And the Boss asked. What do you think Do you think he did it Phil, And there it was the question I was waiting for asking me if my client had killed his wife, Explaining to the boss about all info I said I believe he is innocent, Oh really why's that he asked Well
I believe something is missing and the info on his where snouts and the time of the murder didn't add up, He couldn't have done it He is a fat Fuck he couldn't even move quick enough to catch her and she would've got away easy - She would be still alive if she escaped from him so my opinion is he is innocent and could be framed for it, WOW Phil that's interesting
Yeah, But I have a problem, Phil.
I gazed upon him with a frown staring back at him when he said My problem is I gave you the file ages ago and you should've had finished the case buy now, My face changed " What, What do you mean you just gave it to me a few days ago, No Phil I didn't At this time Sandy knocked on
the door Knock Come in Sandy The boss said Sandy had placed a cup of coffee on the table and envelopes near his forearm.
Here you go sir, Thanks Sandy, Boss replied.
Sandy then turn back giving me a filthy look as she walked out of the office.
© Jason Dunn