

chapter #3 My grandpa the true love
As the months pass by i saw a old friend of grandpa Mrs,wendy she was 70years old .At the super market she said hey beautiful you have grown so big, i said thank you she keeped looking at me i still remember my age as your age! a pretty young girl just like you with full of love ,, so i said yes mamm mrs.wendy love is beautiful ❤ but i felt awkward didn't explain why she kept talking about love by looking to my eyes,,she said to me am can tell you a secret the story is can repeat it just happened again ,,then she said come over tomorrow my house for a cup coffee i said sure i will be their early mrs.wendy. so i had alots things todo home get dinner ready for the night,,after dinner i went through grandpa box belongings.that i never touched in unopen box with tape.. then i saw shoebox of letters of 85" when my grandpa was in Hawaii with he's friends workers my grandpa was person outgoing person fun and more pictures until i saw a letter dear,Wendy... until I saw the letter it was short but it sound it familiar mrs wendy.. then i kept thinking over n over.frm their keeping looking more letters were it says from Wendy : the more i was sakeing more in the shoes boxletter ..they all came from Wendy and pictures my grandpa pictures of him so young together ,,, i was shocked...so the day came fast and next day in the morning i walk my dog for 30min.after i came back got ready to go visit Mrs.wendy ,she already had breakfast ready set in the table ,,while we were eating she kept looking at me and said "Dear i still remember your age so i ask.how is that"with a smile she started talk about her yunge age how she meet her first boyfriend from a different country vacations ,as she started to talk her face with a big smile inspiration she mentioned he was the one ,then" i mentioned who was that special boy" she fall in loved she said its a secret its not the right time until i finished my story said Mrs,wendy frm their, mrs wendy said a remember during a day i went to visit my mom family i saw a cute guy that's when i said he's the one.of my heart ."so.i asked what happened to him "who did you got closer to him or how y'all endup being boyfriend n girlfriend..? she said we meet by a friend causin..ohh ok.frm their we became friends then we endup boyfriend n girlfriend he was so nice treated me like a princess so special always delicated hes time with me ,during night times we get top roff of the house and see the stars,and talk about are future but we both decided to finished school ,,but the career that we wanted to study was taking us different road him going to Hawaii and me to Canada said me Mrs, wendy,frm their he always mentioned me i was the one..because past months later we both said bye we both kept a secret we always said no matter what age we were can be at the same city at the same area and the same address with the same people by contact their won't be no lost info.that we always be a person connected between us, so we both said bye but their will never be a end on both of us...so the years pass he was in Hawaii we were in contact back n forth until one day he said.he had to stay wasn't not to be able to come back to the county for few years because he's dad was sending him to the base to the army"from their years went by Mrs.wendy said i finished my career from their one year later he came to town.i saw him at the same place in the county but with a ring in he's finger..that broke my heart because i wait on him 5years.i was 22years old yung.we both were same age ,,until i hear all the story it made it sense.she was in love with my Grandpa..until she said it was your grandfather.then i said am.sorry to hear that she was crying still from their she never got merry, but she did end it having 2 daughters with another person..i felt so sad.but sense i heard that story of mrs wendy my grandpa love her too but not sure .what has happened for him to back with her. now it makes sense now no wonder he said to me if was sure i was in love with my boyfriend to stay with him to follow him to be with him what a true love happens,,,wow am so impressed so now i remember everything what my grandpa was trying to tell me to fallow my heart ,,, the end of the chapter