

The crispy cool breeze gently brush past my skin; loaded with enchanting fragrance of night flowers,it was captivating my senses. The air smelt of jasmine and wild flowers. As the night was growing dark, the fragrance also grew stronger and deeper.
The atmosphere was serene and calm. The sky painted with the hues of grey and black. The night blooming flowers were adding to the charm of the night.
The sky was covered with thick blind clouds, with the moon occasionly making its appearance.
The shy evening primerose unfolding it's beauty in the darkness, to the pale moonbeams and stars that were her constant companion.
A distant owl sitting on the tall Palash tree. The flame of forest as it is most commonly known and the national flower of my state. It's the tree without which the Spring is not said to arrive. The charm of the tree is so unresistable that one cannot paas by it without having a glimpse.
Humming a hymn, I softly ran my fingers through the petals of the tall crimson dahlia, perhaps the last dahlia of the season. I was taken aback by its beauty. It looked so calm and peaceful.
"There's something magical in every breath of spring", I said to myself."The freshness in the air can be felt. There are good reasons why "Spring" is known as the queen of seasons."
After a dreary winter, sunlight is the best remedy.Beautiful colors become apparent in many landscapes as flowers come out of hiding and start blooming.
I may skip my evening tea but I never fail to take a brisk evening walk in my terrace garden. It's so soothing and relaxing to see the old leaves shed and the tiny green leaf making it's way to the world, buds blooming, leaves fluttering with the breeze, the birds returning to their home with the sunset. Exposure to healing moonlight leads to feelings of awe and peace, along with a greater sense of connection to the universe
I don't think any other season fascinate me to this extent as " Spring" does ( expect monsoon). For a nature lover and a poet like me Spring is nothing but a wonderful poem and a soothing lullaby felt only in the lap of nature .
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