

Love between Hatred
Chapter 90 : Suman and Shravan's bitter past

The Episode starts with Suman and Shravan seeing each other and thinking of the past. Veer asks Suman to thank Shravan, he is the one who saved him. Suman says thanks. Shravan says Captain Shravan Malhotra. Suman says thanks Captain Shravan Malhotra. Veer says he promised he will meet me, army officers don’t break promises. Shravan says yes Veer, some people break promises, I will come to meet you soon. Suman takes Veer home. Veer says that’s Shravan’s house, he got hurt while saving me. Suman asks him to just finish homework. Veer goes. Beena says we should also thank Shravan. Suman says I have thanked him well. She goes. Chachu says don’t know what’s happening, Shravan helped our son, we can’t even thank him. Shravan is on the way. He thinks of Suman. Suman is also on the way. She thinks of him. She gets angry. She goes to meet Vikram. He says you are fighting the case, none can save Devraj Malhotra. She finishes the coffee. She says I have some work. He says I thought you are on leave. She says I took leave for this case, I have to see some patients, I m working in the volunteer program. He asks aren’t you tired. She says I do this for my happiness, for my country. He says you love your country, you won’t have place for love. She says love is like respect, it can make a place, I know you are talking of yourself. He says I like your straight forward manner, we will get time to know each other. She eats a chewing gum. She says I m not sure that you will be glad to know me well. Vikram says I will not step back. She says lets see, I will leave now. She leaves.

Colonel asks Shravan to sit. He says I was waiting to meet you, your CO called me to recommend you. Shravan says I met a little accident. Colonel says I heard all your adventures in detail. Suman comes. Colonel introduces her. Suman and Shravan greet and shake hands. Colonel says I was going to tell Shravan that his CO also did many such things, we were in same batch and were good friends, your CO said you like to risk your life, your unit calls you crazy, how did you join army. Suman says I also want to know how did he join army. Shravan says because of my love, I was in love with someone. Colonel asks who. Shravan says one with them I didn’t imagine, my country, you both would know this love and passion. Colonel says yes, love is passion, love for country is different. Shravan says yes, you can give life for this love. Colonel says your reports have come. Suman checks the reports. Colonel says she is one of the best officers. Suman says he will have pain for two weeks, I suggest he gets a MRI and physical test done.

Shravan says there is some pain. Colonel says prescribe some medicines to lessen pain, take care guys. He goes. Suman prescribes the medicines. Shravan says you have much interest to know why I joined the army. Suman says you are obsessed with yourself, I m not interested in your life, I know why you joined the army. He says really. She says show off, your fav timepass, you want to show you are so smart. He says sorry, you would be better as judge, you decided about me so soon without thinking anything. She gets her stuff. He gets a call. He answers his dad’s call. He says yes, date has come, don’t worry, everything will be fine. She gives the prescription. He says case verdict is on 25th. She says I got the details already, I think your lawyer is weak like you, excuse me, I have much work. He goes. The man asks where shall I keep this. Shravan sees the showpiece and recalls he had gifted it to Suman. Suman says I told Garima to send just imp things, do you want this, keep it, its useless for me. She trashes it. Shravan feels bad.

PRECAP : Suman treats Shravan. They have a moment. Shravan says I have to return after case verdict, don’t do anything that I get stuck here. Suman says I will do what’s right as a medical officer...