

I Met A Stranger. Part Five.
"I never told anyone my name", I told Noori as we slowly drove off.

She gave me a perplexed look."I must've let it roll off my tongue or something. I talk too much"

That could be one reason.

"We should go back to the hotel",i looked at the grey clouds darken and the stray rain drops on our windshield."Hot chocolate and rain will be good"

"Oh I ain't going to let this slide today",she grinned and made a little dance in her seat."I'm going to feast my eyes on this Prince Charming"

Creepy much?

"Don't give me that look!",she laughed."It's only a minute away now. We'll make a quick scan for him and if he's not there, then back to the hotel it is!"

That was fair.

There was nothing yellow about Yellow Vale. Except the occasional yellow sunsets in Autumn, but Autumn was too short to be called a season in this town. Who would've given the lush little woods the name? The trees were mostly evergreen too-

"We're here!!", she squirmed in her seat."we'll have to walk from here, the road is too narrow. let's go!"

"It's started to drizzle",I wiped the rain off my glasses as i paced behind her quick steps. It was starting to get cold too. It took me a good second to notice her disappear into the curve of the path.

When did she get over there?

I needed to find cover. The rain was making it difficult for me to see. The last i remember, there was supposed to be a shed if I made a 90 through the trees. Maybe I could wait there for her. She'd know where to find me.

She'd know... right?

I let out a sigh when i finally caught sight of the heavily arched and ancient looking shed in the middle of nowhere. I made a dash for it halfway noticing that someone too was heading towards it from the opposite direction.

"Oh it's pouring!",he let out a sigh. He sounded familiar.

I quickly took off my glasses and wiped them clean and put it back on.

He was gone!

There was noone.

I looked around.

There really was noone. I could see Noori heading towards me from the same way I'd come from. But I couldn't see him anywhere.

Where did he go?

Had i imagined it?

"I knew you'd be here!",she exclaimed and tried to shake off the rain from her hair."what? what is it? what's wrong?"

Where- I gasped.

His wet footprints were still on the marbled floor.

© rubix_