

Rising Dead 13
Bella comes in the hall way and started staring at the boys , her eyes wide open as she saw what's they are  doing in the hall

   Alex sitting on the chair and Stone cutting his heir and Tom looking at them and said " cut his all heirs don't leave any of them "

Alex shouts " Don't listen to that idiot , your doing fine , I know you can become best barber in the apocalypse "

  Bella said in unexpected tone " What hell are you guys doing here ?"
Sarah said from kitchen " Stone open his barber shop early morning today "

Stone laughs a little and about to say anything Alex said " don't say anything just do your work soldier " in panic voice

Everyone started laughing , Bella said to Tom " I'm going in kitchen " and she left

After half of hour Sarah and Bella made fresh breakfast for everyone one and they come in the hall way

Bella and Sarah looks towards tree of them in disbelief expressions on their face

Their heir style is same , trimmed in left , right and back side and only about 3 or 4 inches long heirs on top of their heads

And currently their cleaning the all heirs from ground and Tom collecting in dustbin

As girls comes in hall everyone looks towards them and smiles and gets up

After some time they started eating theirs breakfast then Bella said " now you guys looking like tree twin brothers " with grin

Stone chuckels and said " thank you my lady "

Tom said in serious tone " is it necessary to leave ?   " looking towards Stone

Sarah said " you are leaving but  you didn't even take any rest last night " Stone takes his bite of food
And stops for some moments

" I just wanted to check some things my self "Stone said as he trying to explain then Bella said " what things ?"

Stone said " mmm about petrols and army because I don't think they are going to protect everyone from now on " and stops

And face palmed himself and said in serious tone " looks here guys I also want to stay with you but I can't I have to find my brother and ..."

Then he looks towards Sarah " I already told you I'm going to stay here for some time .... But I promise you guys after finding my brother and killing that traitor Ivan I will come back "
Alex said " then when are you coming back ?" Asked curiously
Stone said " I don't know "

Then Tom said " You can take my katana if you want "

  Alex and Sarah looks towards Tom in disbelief expressions Stone looks at Sarah and Alex then towards Tom and Said " Thanks " Tom nods then he left

  After sometime Stone asked Sarah about Toms katana , Sarah said " it's his father's katana and... Maybe he started to trust you " looking at floor

Stone picks his backpack and looks upstairs after few moments Tom comes in hall holding his katana in his hand and gave to stone

   Stone takes his katana and said looking at his eyes " are you sure officer " Tom smiled and nods
Stone forward his hand for handshake

  Everyone looking at both of them
Tom takes his hand and said " we will meet again captain " Stone nods and turns towards Bella

Bella hugged Stone tightly then stone said " you always like to hug don't you ?" Bella said in smile " of course " Alex comes forward and hugs Stone then stone said " so Bella finally tought you something " as laughing

    Then they both nod each other then Stone turns towards Sarah and said " Thanks for everything Sarah I...."

Sarah comes forward without word and tightly hugs him and said " no thank you , and I hope we cross our paths again "

Stone said " Don't worry we will meet again " and started heading out of the house after he gets close to gate of toms house then he looks back at everyone and leaves immediately

Sarah started crying and she unconsciously hugs Tom , Tom's eyes widen but he quickly started comforting her

Bella and Alex looks at each other and quickly slips away from them and headed into house ......

     After 3 hours Stone traveling towards main city as he walking and avoiding any unnecessary attainetion of zombies

  " I didn't meet any patrols , I guess government already fallen " Stone said to himself as he crossed street and he comes corner of the two big buildings

  Suddenly zombies started growling and Stone turns his attainetion to his left side and saw 5 or 6 zombies looking at him and started heading towards his direction

Stone said in frastated voice " this guys " and pulled his katana out of his bag

   Zombies started running towards him and unexpectedly Stone is also runs towards them and as running he ducks and swings katana on left leg of one zombie and legs fall apart and zombie drops on ground

  But stone didn't stops he leaps towards upcoming zombies and decapitated another two of them

And furiously killed every one them
And comes back at one leg zombie and looks at him and said " Your just ant in my eyes " and killed him immediately

  Then he pulled his katana from dead zombies head and looks at blood dropping katana and smiled and said to himself " I missed this " and wipes his katana from zombies t shirt

And started walking ahead without looking back after some time he came close to bike and he quickly started that bike and looks towards big city front of him and smirks ..........

       " So you really don't know who I am " Eva said to Kai as they walking
Kai ignored her and continued his walking and looking around

"  I mean you basically know my name but I'm not talking about now I'm talking about before we meet each other " Eva said as she points her bow back and then towards Kai direction and then lowers and come close to him

Kai stops and looks around but Eva bumps from behind and she said " hey are you blind , or this is how you does when you saw beautiful girl "
Kai turns back and looks at Eva but didn't said anything

" See this is I am talking about , you can't even walk 10 meters without looking at my beautiful face and about your half mask why didn't you wear that ? " Eva said as she smiles

Kai steps close to Eva but Eva steps back and said " What ?" Kai turns back and started walking and Eva started following him again

    After 1 hour they came close to big theater Kai looks towards other direction and started heading in the theatre

Eva said " why we are going in that creepy place ?"
Kai said in cold Voice " theirs is no we only Me "

Eva said " you broke my heart " and smiled

As their enter in theater lobby 3 of the zombies runs towards them Kai standing still

Eva looks at Kai and then towards zombie and said as points his bow towards them " scared ?" And  shoots in the head of one zombie and then quickly takes another two with 2 more arrows

And started heading towards them and pulls his arrows from their head and drops in his bag

Kai looking at her without expression
Eva said " don't worry I will protect you because I'm am good girl " and winks and started heading in theater

As they enter big theater they saw big white screen in opposite side of wall
Eva looks at Kai then towards Kai and said " this is the worst date of my life "

Kai walked  toward monitor room and Eva still trying to figure it out what's he wanted to do here and suddenly she saw a bright light and movies started

  Eva's mouth wide open she cannot believe that this guy come here for a movie

And turns back and saw Kai commingled back and popcorn in his hand as he saw Eva looking at him he change his direction and sits far away from her and started eating popcorn

Eva forcefully laughs and started walking towards Kai and sit beside him and started eating popcorn without looking at Kai 
  Eva said as teasingly " I hope you didn't chose any romantic movie "
Kai gets up and left two sits between them and sit again

Eva looks at him and close her eyes in frastation and gets up and sits beside him again and grabs his hand and start  eating again

Kai looks at her then towards the screen and they both started watching movie .......

      " You mean we don't have to capture him alive " Rider said in suprise expression on his face

" Yes and no " one of the scientist said as he doing some research in his big lab

Rider said " what ?" That scientists let's out sign and said " look here boy even that guy is dead we can extract that antidote from his body but their is time limit "

Rider said as he checking his front counters chemical and said " time limit ? "

" Yeah we only able to extract it before 6 hours after his death " that scientists said in wary look on his face

Rider said enthusiastically " that's lot of time for me " and as he started to leave he stops on his track

" What the speciality of this antidote ?" Questioning look on his face Rider asked scientist

He stutter for moments and said " I am sorry it's secret information and I can't reveal to anyone not even you " that scientists said in Afread look on his face

Rider turn around and looks in eyes of that scientists and said "Dr Miller ,you are former partner of Dr Joe and last person alive from that Lab " as he steps towards Dr Miller and Dr Miller stubbles back

Then Rider said " I don't know why my father wants to keep this secret from me but " and he pulled his gun out

Dr Miller started and said in panic voice" you can't kill me ... I am the only one can extract that antidote properly "

Rider smiled and said in serious tone " of course but do you think after killing you my father going to  punish me for this "

" Of course he knew how important I'm for remaking of that antidote and if he knew you killed me _ "  Rider cuts him off in mid

  " Only he knew how important you are but in my eyes you are like other scientist so I can manipulate him after your death " Rider said as points his gun on Dr Miller head

Dr Miller said " but ...but their are lots of problems you have to face after killing me "

Rider smiled and said " I will take my chances " and come close to him but Dr Miller shouts " stop what if your father finds out I already told you this secret "

Rider lowers his gun quickly and said " who is going to tell him , me of course not because father has some hidden motives that's he didn't want me to know , and another one here is you " and chuckels

Dr Miller said fine and said " that antidote is not simply like other antidotes "

Rider said curiously " what do you mean its not kills z virus cells ? "

" No .. I mean yes that antidote have ability to kill any infection in the host body " Dr miller said as he sits on chair beside him

" Any you mean it can easily kill our new A virus and B virus infected hosts  if it injected in them " Rider said in surprised expression in his face

" Yes not only that if we injects in any host that host body will become immune to any infection until he dies " Dr miller said as looking at floor

  Rider stunned for moments and quickly he grabs the coller of Dr Miller and said " Their is some more about this antidote , I am right "

Dr Miller said " yes their is something more ability given by this antidote to host " .........

             To be continued.........



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