

Dissing Lexia
On becoming a wordsmith amongst other things....


"Thy word is a lamp unto my feet
And a light unto my path."


"My womb is damp between my legs
Blood pours down to touch my feet."

I taught myself to read. I taught myself the spells, so that I could make magic and become, not a blacksmith,
but a wordsmith.... Both abilities are similar - they test the metal and the mental.

Anything beginning with a 'dis' or 'dys' means difficulties... A problem. Probing required to re-solve.

My 'lexia'- my speech and hence my ability to read was impaired. This ability - that so many take for granted - was already different before I was born. My left brain was not created superior to my right in my mother's womb. I was born into this left brain nurturing world with a dis-functional setback.

I learnt that a ruler was a weapon of mass distruction at a very tender age and I lived through my childhood with bruised and scabbed knuckles. That was the way then.

Later, I learned that a ruler was a measurer of the heavens and the very useful tool leaders of the world prized. They were even named after it! If you were a ruler, you used one!

I could not use words like others around me. I did not under-stand the spells. I innerstood most things ....

Because I am a very determined person interested in the magic that this life presents and presents me, I with great effort learned the spells and spelling of words.

Let's look at the spell of one word we all know well: Our planet's name 'Earth'.
It has a 'heart' in it.
Also 'hear' and 'ear', as well as 'are', 'art', 'hat', 'tar', 'rat' and 'rathe'... and "Thera"- the greatest volcano known in history that destroyed the once Fertile Crescent.... big spells!!!

We are here on Earth to find our heart.
We are here to hear- to listen- to use our ears primarily. We are called 'persona', which means "through hearing". What we hear moulds our psyche and we become the personality we are.

We are! We are human beings! We arn't human doings. We have to surrender to our souls... and listen to our inner voice.

There is an art to this existance. We have to become artists.

The sun is hot so it is wise to wear a hat!

Tar is a fuel found on Earth. It is now over-used and abused... causing contention in our dimension.

This is the Year of the Rat! Rats are the carriers of plague and plague our lives... clever little critters that get into everything and destroy what they can.
They are the embodiment of all Earth's creatures... the Chinese understood rats well! The rat comes first in the Zodiac.

'Rathe' ? This is a glorious word to use! It means prompt or eager. It also means the first blossoms of the Spring!

All words hold secrets.

This has helped me remember their spelling because of the spells held within them...

We can become powerful magi, if we only become conscious of words and the way to spell them!

(Please remember that Google & other search engines do have wonderful spell checks! It takes seconds to look up words and their real meanings!)

'Your' is a belonging word - not 'you're' meaning - you are!

'Wear' is about adorning your body & is not 'where', which I ask when we play hide-'n- seek, "Where are you?"

'Week' is a seven day period and not how little strength you have. That is actually 'weak'.

'Here' is where I am sitting in my kitchen & what I 'hear' is the birds outside.

Take care! Be aware. And create magic!

Indiana 2020.

© Indiana vdw