Dear Judge
I remember when you prevented the police from double charging me, an that kindness wasn't ever forgotten. August 23rd I was released from jail and all I had received was a sentencing order stating that my probation was terminated an upon my release no attempt to notify me otherwise was made to let me know I had to report to probation every other time I was so with the little information I had I believed I was done with it, I've been on probation since before my oldest daughter was born an was ecstatic that it was finally over (or so I thought). Five days later my p.o. goes to my uncles and I have a warrant for my arrest. To hold someone accountable I was under the impression that they would hold themselves to the same standard but I was sorely mistaken. If I called my p.o. an hung up wouldn't that be considered participating? It wouldn't nor would I entertain the idea that it was, but apparently those enforcing the law don't have such things to hinder them so after just checking if I was at my uncle's I was deemed negligent in my responsibilities toward probation which I thought was over given the fact my last sentencing order stated it was terminated. My p.o. recommended that I do a year in d.o.c...