

Each step

I wonder about it all. The stars and the moon. As life moves forward. I look towards another chance. A new option. Then I wonder if my emotions; quite unstable, will keep holding me back.

So I see my steps forward. From the starting block. I realise progress is within. Despite my impatience. I cry for my acceptance. Without judging myself. My book of strategies. To keep my emotions in check.

So as I fidget. As I fall. I climb right back up. As I can truly see my steps from the starting block. I may not get there tomorrow. Though I can see that I will. For my thoughts are quite positive. As I dream of you.

See me grow, watch me bloom. See a new side of me. Without a screen between reality and my mind. A new woman you shall find. So strong. So real. A fire burning true. As now I'm in this world together, me with you.

© SusanPS125