

Colourland X Chapter 3
Chapter 3
The Criminals

Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby woke up and had their breakfast.

" So, it will be more training " said Crayon.
" Well, we should do that " said Colourea.
" Bakers expect that from us " said Artby.
" Well, let's go " said Crayon.
" Baking is pumping me up " said Artby.
" I am so pumped "

They then headed to meet Warbler and Allie, the six of them then were training.

Colourik, Malicia, Easeion, Bill, Tara, Flora, Jessica, Alice, Willemease and Maxclever then headed outside the hideout and they then headed towards some villages.

" We are going to take everything " said Colourik.
" Our abilities will get stronger from more fighting " said Malicia.
" Not to mention we are going to take so much " said Easeion.
" I haven't been to villages much "
" They do have stuff " said Maxclever.
" Our power will crush them " said Willemease.
" Nobody will fuck with us " said Flora.

They then arrived at a village.

Easeion quickly punched a man, then knocked him down.

" What is meaning of this ? " asked the man.
" Shut your mouth " said Easeion.
" Everything is ours "

Easeion then grabbed the man and then started charging up the Ultimate Disaster Blast and then blasted him extremely hard.

Easeion took his wallet, Colourik started charging up the Deepsea Implosion while Malicia started charging up the Frostbite Implosion, a Stage 4 attack. The attacks combined knocking out so many people.

So many wallets were taken. They then found food which they stole. They then kept roughing up people. Bill, Tara and Easeion launched 3 Bear Implosions which severely struck so many people. They took from people again.

" So, we have conquered here " said Easeion.
" Hahahahaha "
" This is awesome, Crayon will no longer be a hero when he deals with this power "
" We should make sure that we continue these crimes "
" That is for sure, we have taken a lot of food " said Maxclever.
" We must take more " said Willemease.

They then continue to attack more people and take more.

They then headed back to the hideout with everything.

" Well, that went well " said Colourik.
" We took so much " said Malicia.
" That triple Bear Implosion was crazy " said Tara.
" All of those villagers have no idea now " said Bill.
" Yeah, we are looking great " said Easeion.
" It is a shame that my father Brett is not here but we have done great "
" Yeah, we are doing this for him " said Tara.
" The Smithson legacy will never go anywhere " said Easeion.
" Same with the Bear "
" Colourik and Malicia are incredibly strong " said Bill.

While all of this was happening Crayon was able to use a new technique called the Hawk Implosion.

" Wow " said Colouruke.
" That attack is crazy " said Colourea.
" I want to learn how to use it one day " said Warbler.
" It is a Stage 4 implosion like the one Challenger uses " said Allie.
" Does this mean that Crayon is now stronger than Colour King ? " asked Warbler.
" It looks that way " said Colourea.
" I love Crayon a lot "
" Crayon's the man " said Artby.
" It looks like Crayon, Challenger and King Bobby have gotten a lot stronger " said Colouruke.
" Colour King will get a Stage 4 implosion soon " said Crayon.
" I think Colour King is similar when it comes to stamina in fighting though "
" Yeah, we will have to just keep training " said Artby.
" It is what bakers would love "

They resumed their training using blasts, bombs, strikes, energy, punches and kicks.

Time continued to pass and it was revealed that some guards were hurt and that some Bear members were broken out of here.

Challenger and Colour King were then with Colour King's officials.

" What " said Colour King.
" These Bear members must be stopped, they will just steal "
" Not to mention the assaults as well, that is not acceptable " said Colourclever.
" So, what should be done ? " asked Colour Dictator.
" We have a search through Colourland for anyone that is suspicious " said Colour King.
" There seems to be a mysterious man involved "
" They did not break out many of the strongest Bear members though " said Colourclever.
" The mysterious man will be challenged by me " said Colour King.
" The others can be dealt with by officials or friends of Crayon "
" Yeah, that would make sense " said Colour Queen.
" Yeah, Crayon can deal with them " said Challenger.
" His friends will do well in fighting against them "
" Yes, that is very true " said Colour Dictator.

Meanwhile Colourik and Malicia just watched the news about the Bear members.

" We will have to bring our stolen stuff somewhere else and be there " said Colourik.
" Yeah, I don't want us to be stopped at all " said Malicia.
" We must find others who want Crayon to not continue what he is doing " said Easeion.
" That being said, stealing stuff and being out of jail is better "
" Yeah, maybe we should do that instead " said Tara.
" Crayon being harmed can wait " said Bill.
" We will figure out something " said Malicia.

They then used all the food and made stuff for themselves to eat. They took everything they had stolen with them and then they headed out of Colourland and they found this place called Colour Town.

" Colour Town ? asked Easeion.
" Yeah, it is to the north of Colourland " said Colourik.
" We cannot be in Colourland " said Malicia.
" Our hideout has been revealed, we fought against Colour King and Challenger there " said Easeion.
" They will suspect us if we are there " said Malicia.
" That cannot happen "
" Do people know about the crimes of the Bear ? " asked Bill.
" They might or might not " said Tara.
" They will have way less dangerous fighters " said Alice.
" That is true " said Easeion.
" We will have to break into somewhere or find a hotel " said Willemease.
" We will mess some people up " said Maxclever.
" There is no way that we are going down again "

They then all went to this house and they surrounded the owners.

" Prepare to fall " said Easeion.
" What is the meaning of this " said a man.
" This is ours now, prepare to die " said Colourik.
" There is no escape here " said Malicia.
" I remember hearing about the Bear " said a woman.
" Yeah and you aren't going to make it " said Maxclever.
" Hahahaha " said Willemease.
" You won't get away with this " said the man.

Easeion shoved them to the ground.

" There is no escape " said Easeion.

Maxclever, Willemease, Flora and Jessica charged up their Darkness Implosions. The others then made sure there was nowhere to go. The attacks directly hit causing insane damage. The two of them were knocked out, they brought their bodies inside.

" So, now we have somewhere outside of the hideout " said Colourik.
" There isn't really beds for all of us though " said Malicia.
" They will head to the hideout and find nothing " said Easeion.
" Not to mention everything here is ours " said Willemease.
" We will head outside for our training " said Maxclever.
" We can, but we cannot be seen " said Bill.
" Yeah, we cannot have any setbacks " said Willemease.
" Nighttime we can train " said Maxclever.
" Yes, outside we can do that " said Easeion.
" I do not want any issues with people at all "
" I will hurt people who try any shit for sure "
" Yeah, that is for sure " said Bill.
" Those two may wake up " said Tara.
" We will finish them for good " said Easeion.
" Their lives will be no more " said Tara.
" Yeah, that will be great " said Bill.

Time continued to pass and King Bobby was talking with Queen Starling, Blackburnian and Diana.

" So we are now getting closer to war now " said King Bobby.
" Resources will boost our tourism so much "
" My wars will impact tourism so much in a good way "
" Yes, Bird's Isle will be even better " said Queen Starling.
" I have not contacted Warbler for a while " said King Bobby.
" Time to do that "

Warbler was called by King Bobby.

" I am getting this call " said Warbler.
" Wonder who it could be " said Crayon.
" Bakers " said Artby.

Warbler answered the call.

" Hello " said Warbler.
" Warbler, this is the king " said King Bobby.
" We must talk now "
" What has happened ? " asked Warbler.
" Your training " said King Bobby.
" It is going well " said Warbler.
" Good, Bird's Isle is ready for war so much now " said King Bobby.
" This war helps tourism, Bird's Isle needs wars like that "
" Tourism ? " asked Warbler.
" Yes, tourism will be increased like crazy " said King Bobby.
" There will be more resources, our hotels will do so good "
" Bird's Isle needs war "
" Hotels ? " asked Warbler.
" Will there be more wars ? "
" At a future date " said King Bobby.
" We want to start wars, but not too many "
" The possibilities are endless, there are no boundaries to what our warriors can do "
" Other countries will understand what Bird's Isle wants "
" Will they intervene ? " asked Warbler.
" They understand why we want tourism here " said King Bobby.
" Our warriors are bringing it here "
" Warriors know that they are doing this "
" Well, I have to get going "
" So see you later "

Warbler, Crayon, Colouruke, Artby, Allie and Colourea were talking.

" That was King Bobby " said Warbler.
" He mentioned tourism "
" Tourism ? " asked Crayon.
" Why ? "
" The warriors will bring it to Bird's Isle " said Warbler.
" That does not really make sense to me " said Crayon.
" The king says that more people will come to Bird's Isle due to more resources " said Warbler.
" Again, I really do not understand how this will work " said Crayon.
" We should go to the bakery, the king will just do whatever " said Artby.
" Sounds like a great idea to me " said Allie.
" Our mouths need this " said Artby.
" Bakers understand them and they understand my purchases "

They then headed to the bakery where Artby began talking.

" I love bakers " said Artby.
" My love for them is so strong "
" Uh, thanks " said a baker confused.
" My purchases are here to stay " said Artby.
" Bakers have truly loved my mouth with their baking, that baking is their true love for my mouth "
" What ? " asked Colouruke.
" Colouruke, there is true love for my mouth " said Artby.
" Artby " said Colouruke.
" Yes Colouruke " said Artby.
" Artby, what the fuck " said Colouruke.
" True love for Artby's mouth from a baker ? " asked Warbler.
" Yes, there is Warbler " said Artby.
" Look at how they bake "
" I see that they make delicious bread but this is just something I am not sure about " said Warbler.
" Well, we have our bread now so let's go " said Colourea.

They left with their bread and they headed home. Warbler and Allie then headed to their place.

" I love you " said Allie.
" Me too, I love you a lot " said Warbler.

They both headed into the house where they were talking.

" The king wants tourism but these wars will not help that " said Allie.
" Yeah, time will tell what happens with this " said Warbler.
" We have trained so hard " said Allie.
" Yeah, we are ready " said Warbler.

Warbler and Allie embraced each other, meanwhile Easeion was talking with Colourik.

" Colourik, I have seen your power " said Easeion.
" It is so strong "
" Yes, my power is great " said Colourik.
" We will harm people so easily "
" Malicia is also very strong "
" Yes, that is true " said Easeion.
" We will strike at nighttime " said Colourik.
" We want to bring the vans "
" Yes, we plan to steal a lot "
" Our wrath is too much for anyone here " said Easeion.
" They will truly be hurt, hahahahahaha "
" Yes " said Colourik.

Time passed more and then Crayon, Colourea, Colouruke and Artby were talking.

" I wonder about these criminals " said Colouruke.
" Baking will stop them " said Artby.
" Baking ? " asked Colouruke.
" Yes, it will " said Artby.
" Baking does it all, so much is because of baking "
" Uh, what " said Crayon.
" Baking has kept me so pumped " said Artby.
" It has helped everyone in Colourland "
" Well, we should have our supper " said Colourea.
" Bakers love it when we enjoy our suppers " said Artby.
" They are amazing people, my love for the baker will never die or go away "

They had their supper which they enjoyed.

More time continued to pass, Crayon was talking with Colourea.

" I love you " said Crayon.
" Me too " said Colourea.
" Well, we are happy together " said Crayon.

Crayon kissed Colourea, meanwhile Artby and Colouruke were talking.

" I am thinking about bakers " said Artby.
" What about bakers ? " asked Colouruke.
" I am thinking about how they bake always " said Artby.
" My thoughts are always baker centered now "
" Now ? " asked Colouruke.
" Yes, I am thinking about bakers even more " said Artby.
More time passed and everyone went to bed.