

Phoenix Rising
I stand tall, a woman of pride and might
Arrogance, some may say, but I call it self-worth in sight
Why point fingers at my person, my heart, my soul?
Can't you see, I'm a phoenix rising, making myself whole

My strength is not a weakness, my voice is not a shame
I'll rise above the whispers, I'll play a different game
I'll wear my crown with confidence, I'll walk with grace and poise
My pride is not a sin, it's a badge of honor, a heart that chooses

To stand up for itself, to speak its mind
To shine so bright, it leaves the doubters blind
I'll take the finger-pointing, the judgment and the pain
And turn it into fuel, to drive me forward, to rise above the shame

I'll not be held back by the weights of others' fears
I'll not be dimmed by the doubts that bring them tears
My light is my own, my path is my own to choose
I'll walk in my own truth, with no apologies or excuses

My pride is not a barrier, it's a bridge to my soul
A reminder of my worth, a story yet untold
I'll hold my head up high, I'll make my own way
I'll rise above the noise, in a brighter day

I am a woman of pride and arrogance, yes
But I am also strong, resilient, and blessed
I'll own my story, I'll wear my crown
I'll rise above the noise, and I'll never back down.

© Promise Okon