

Brave me....or lost?
22 June 2024:
Hello to dear me .

I am not using the word dear for me in love , but merely this is formality. I hate you ..... because I don't want to live the life you are living. You have nothing to serve me .....you don't have friends, family or anyone who could offer me their shoulder to rely upon. Why you can't speak, why don't you make friends, why don't you love enough, why do you weep so much, you have had made me sick so far.....sunken eyes...no desires.....is this the life you have been dreaming of ?

Oh poor girl....I know, I know what you are bearing. I know that you have had loved every person to the fullest still didn't received any love that you deserve. I know that people pleasing, and loving , caring has been your task for enough of years , and that has made you ill . But believe me , this world isn't meant to be a good place for everyone. THIS IS MERELY A TEST.