

Year 4000
The year is 4000, humanity has conquered the stars. Humans have successfully colonized our solar system and beyond.

New elements with strange properties such as Barilium - which shines bright and burns brighter – have been discovered. Barilium was used to fuel our ships. Conveniently, the light emitted by this element could be used to track down other ships which, in turn, greatly increased the efficiency of coordinating ships or searching for lost space pilots. Over the years, as more planets are colonized, the better our technology became. And thus, the brighter our ships shined. For every planet we took over, the loader and brighter our presence on the universe becomes. One abominable day, after making ourselves at home with the 87th planet we landed upon, we attracted unwanted attention. An Alien race has been attracted by our shiny emissions. Having grey, transparent quad-wings, fashioned by a furry white exterior with two golden stripes, their eyes are filled with a deep shade of galaxy red. Are they friend or are they foe? What events ensue? Stay tuned for the next episode...

#Year4000 #laipoem
©Lai Montes @laini8580