

A Tragic Turn
Chapter 4: A Tragic Turn
Later that day, Kael and Conan decided to walk back to their dorms together. The evening air was cool and crisp, a welcome change from the oppressive heat of the day. They chatted about their upcoming assignments and plans for the weekend, but Kael’s thoughts kept drifting back to the book.

As they crossed a busy street, Conan suddenly stumbled, his face going pale. Kael’s heart lurched in his chest as he saw his friend clutch his chest, gasping for breath. Panic surged through him as he realized what was happening—Conan was having a heart attack.

Kael tried to help, but everything moved in a blur. The ambulance was called, but it felt like an eternity before help arrived. Kael could only watch in helpless horror as his friend was taken away, his mind flashing back to the book’s eerie words.

Conan didn’t make it. The news came later that evening, leaving Kael numb with shock. The grief hit him hard, but what haunted him more was the thought that the book had predicted this, that somehow he had known what was going to happen. The words "He was with Ben when an ally died of his illness" echoed in his mind, taking on a new, terrifying meaning.

When Kael finally returned home, he was a shell of himself, barely aware of his surroundings. The house felt cold and empty, a stark contrast to the storm of emotions raging inside him. He dropped his bag by the door and sank onto the couch, his eyes drawn to the book on the side table.

As he picked up the book again, dreading what he might find next, his fingers trembled. When he flipped through the pages, he came to the one he
came across earlier: He smirked, looking towards Ben.

Kael’s eyes lingered on the words, his mind swirling with confusion and dread. He didn’t understand why this particular line felt so significant now. Ben… He hadn’t figured out who Ben was, but he was certain that the book was not merely predicting events—it was controlling them.

Kael closed the book and set it down on the side table, leaning back on the couch with a heavy sigh. He tried to recall when he might have smirked, but the memory was elusive. The idea that a book could dictate his actions and even his emotions was terrifying. Yet, he couldn't help but feel that it was too late to stop whatever was unfolding.

But he realized that the book was prophesying future events, and that anything written within its pages could become a reality at any moment. And then it hit him - Ben was the book. The stories, the predictions, the entire narrative was somehow embodied within him, making him a living, breathing manifestation of the book's prophecies.
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