

Meaning of the word "Woman"
Being a woman, it is very difficult to take responsibility. People think woman is a weakest human. But in reality, she is strongest...
When she is born, father,mother,brother, sister and many other relations are connected to her. Everyone loves her, keep her happy. But when she reaches to teenage, she begin to understand the world. She feel relations changing because she becomes intelligent.
She faces the difficulties and knows the world.
When her age to became married comes, she is forced to marry according to her family's choice. It happens with 80% woman in the world. Her choice has no value in front of her parents and family.
When she gets married, she has more responsibilities. She completes her responsibilties forgetting about that she was forced or not forced to get married.
She has many relations which she has to take care.
When she becomes mother, she completely forget herself and become a busy mother, she feels her life is now completed.
She spends all her remaining life in making her children's life better than her. When she becomes old and her children young, they thought their mother knows nothing about life. Just we are educated and we know much better than her.
When they get married , they completely forget her.
" She remains in the home like an old showpiece"
Also some people take care of their mothers so much but these people are about 2% in the whole world unfortunately.
Son and daughters forget that the world is round and everyone will get what he has done.
Plz respect your parents❤