

A moment of understanding
Alex: I'm fine. Stop asking.

Emily: But you don't seem right, that's why I'm asking you again and again.

Alex: Can't you just believe what I'm saying?

Emily: Ok for now I'll believe, but you know you can tell me everything. Right?

Alex: Okay. All right.

Emily: I hope you will tell me on your own when you feel ok.

Alex: Can you please leave me alone for some time?

Emily: Sure, honey. But please take care of yourself and don't stress yourself. Nothing is more important than you. I hope you won't compromise with your health.

Alex: Yeah, I won't.

Emily: All right. I will be waiting for you at dinner at 9 o'clock.

Alex: No, you shouldn't wait. I might eat later.

Emily: Okay, just promise me you'll eat something. I'll see you later.

Alex: I promise. Thanks for understanding.

Emily: Anytime. Take care, Alex.

Emily left the room, her heart heavy with concern but respecting Alex's need for space. She hoped that by giving him time, he would eventually open up and share what was troubling him. As she walked away, she couldn't shake off the worry but knew that sometimes, the best way to help someone is to simply be there, ready to listen when they're ready to talk.
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