

Experience Unconditional Love
One morning out for a walk the sun was shining and the birds were singing the wind was blowing gently on my skin like a kiss from God. I notice a tree had been cut in a field and was just a stump so i made my way over to have a seat and sit there. With my eyes closed I could hear the tree leaves in the wind and the birds singing I was enjoying it so much I drifted off to a beautiful field covered in purple flowers and butterflies alot of butterflies. It was amazing i smell the sweetness from the flowers soft to the touch. I came upon a well of water it seem to be newly built the stone in this well were colorful something like glass that was polished by the rainbow. It had a glow to it when the sun hit it as I came closer to it I could see it was solid so I had to touch it I was curious on how it felt ..it was warm to the touch from the sun hitting it so I lean over grab the handle and started turning the handle retrieve the rope that was hanging from the top. As it start to come up a little pale surface and it was full of water great i was thinking to myself I had been walking 45 minute before I found this place. The water was ice cold as if I've gotten it out of the refrigerator I wasn't about to not fill my water bottle up after filled my bottle up I began to walk away but I was to tired to continue so I sat down using the well for shade when I heard a voice say" are you ok"? I lift my eyes an there was nobody there the voice said if you can hear me then you can feel me not knowing what to do I got up real fast and begain to back away again the voice spoke I wont hurt you please calm down everything is going to be fine the voice sooth me so I sat were I was before and close my eye and a calm came over me it was like all of the fear that once was...was no more so I said a silent prayer "Thank you Lord for keeping me" eyes still closed the voice said " I am God and will never leave you my child" tears ran down my face as i could feel the hand of the Lord on me wiping the tears away he said you are who I created don't be afraid of living because I live in you..you spread love, joy,and laughter be proud of who you are my child..
When I opened my eyes I felt so alive and grounded..the life of meditation is so clear of why you must be still so you can feel the Holy Spirit I don't know who needs to hear this but "you have to feel it to heal it" peace be unto you.