

Wilted Roses Chapter Two
Seeing as the man is too far to stare at any longer, she starts towards the elevator in a hurry. The elevator ticks as it slows to let her off at the next floor. The doors open, and Nevada is greeted with the strong smell of smoke. She approaches the conference room doors, and as she pulls them open, the room is covered in sudden silence. Nevada quickly takes her seet somewhere in the middle of the twenty something buissnessmen. A few have cigars in their lips. "You're late. Please dont waste any more of our time and get on with the proposal," Her boss calls out. She can feel the heat in her cheeks rise as she tries not to cry or stumble over her words as she was just embarrassed in front of her colleagues. "Ehem, for my presentation, I would like to protest the new safety act for the animal testing plant. I do believe we need rules in place so that we can have test subjects, but with how strict these new mandates are, we won't be able to successfully test any of our products. Therefore, I vote we stop testing on animals, and instead, we test on microorganisms and insects. We can modify the DNA of the subjects so that they closely replicate humans. This will only cost -" "I've heard enough Ms. Grambs, your proposal has been rejected, and I don't find it likely you will get this promotion you have been desperately looking to get," her boss said. Nevada felt her eyes stinging and her throat tensing. She quietly took her seat and stared off. Her apartment would have to do for now, any maybe the house would go on sale for a lower, more affordable amount. Suddenly, she hears her phone going off. Everyone stares as she grabs the device and quickly silences the beeping. A minute later, it rings again. The meeting is almost over, so she takes this as her que to leave.