

There is a Bright light with a black shape inside...Slowly brightness shut downed and a bright face came into clear image. An Astonishing face it is. I didnt see it in my whole life and I came to realize that he is not human something more like a human GOD type. I feel nothing in my mind everything is absolutely stopped, blood in my veins are strucked, my heart came into it's final position and finally I came to realize that this is what called DEATH. Everyone is aware of it as it is not for me but it is on its own way and now I don't know where I am but iam sure I died with a dangerous Disease.

God :- Welcome

She :- Who are you? Where iam?

God :- First tell me about yourself. What r u called on earth ?

She :- ELIZABETH...What ! that means this is not earth..Where are we ?

God :- I will tell you that later....Now tell me this When did u born ?

Elizabeth :- December 26th 1987.

God :- When did you left your body ?

Elizabeth :- 1 day back that means 2014 March 13

God :- ohhh...that's so disappointing...what did you used to do on earth?

Elizabeth :- I did so many things but lastly settled down as Prostituter.

God :- ohh... that's so disgusting...Elizabeth I gave you two great things one is your brain and other one is your body, so why did you choosed to work with your body?

Elizabeth :- Due to fullfillment of one part of my body with food. If it doesn't filled it makes me to die.

God :- Oh...it is for every living being on that earth. Everyone has to eat something to keep themselves alive.

Elizabeth :- That's what makes me to death.

God :- Oh I am sorry. Anyway you choosed to it.

Elizabeth :- So....What should I do here..samething what I did on earth?

God :-No here it is different and.... I think you are in some kind of disappointment and frustration so...I want to give you one whish.

Elizabeth :-Whis? What wish?

God :- Tell me that with how many members you were slept and I will give you that much of time fantastic happiness and ecsacity that you never felt in your life.

Elizabeth :- Ohh...probably I had all the feelings and emotions of what you have said with those guys.

God :- Oh you said you didn't liked it.

Elizabeth :- No, I didn't say it....Aaaa..probably Yes I said it but later than I used to enjoy it. It's like a heaven.

God :- Tell me this Elizabeth

Elizabeth :- Yes mister Lord, Ask me.

God :- If I give you a second life and I put a condition that you should work as a prostituter will you obey for it ?


God :- Ohhh...Elizabeth....you said you liked it

Elizabeth :- Yes ! I said it, because of the situations i had and I don't have any other options, rather feeling sad I tried to enjoyed it, what shall I do...

God :- So finally you enjoyed it..

Elizabeth :- In a case... Yes I may enjoyed it.

God :- So tell me one thing Elizabeth...is it your life is miserable or happy

Elizabeth :- How can I say that it's a complete mixture of feelings

God :- The ratio...What is the percentage of your happy life and sad life.. to be more simple which one is more

Elizabeth :- Aaaa... in that case i can say that Happy life is more in my life because of I tried to enjoy every second of my life whatever the situatuon in i am.

God :- As per our rules Who enjoyed there life can choose wishes as they can wish.

Elizabeth :- Oh seriously that is how here it works !

God :- Yes, The concept of life is to enjoy, to be happy if you done that you are passed

Elizabeth :- Oh My God ! OK, Than ...

After that Elizabeth lives her life happily as she wished....That's it the story is over ohhh...sorry it's the reality The life, it's how it works it's main purpose is to enjoy what you are doing if you don't enjoy it move to your loving work or try to enjoy it....that's as it is Simple !


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