

Thank You Sai Baba..🪔🌹🙏♥️😊🧿
My dear sai baba,
Thank you so much to be always with me in my ups and downs. You are the protection shield who always stand behind me and save from unseen dangers. Your divine presence guides me in every aspects of life. When I forget the letters, you guide me to write sentences.
When I erase the lines, you hold my hand to paint beautiful pictures. When I don't understand the rhythm, you are my voice. When I get entangled in the illusions of the world, your "Sai Satcharitra" guides me to have faith and patience. You protect my character like the eyelids protect the eyes. I feel happy, blessed and calm in your divine presence. In the darkness and light, you are my guiding light. What else I can write? Words are few to express my gratitude.

With lots of love and smile,
© Archana Maharana (Lucky)

Om Sai Ram 🪔🌹🙏♥️😊🧿
Image: my painting 🎨🖌️😊