

Staying in the Moment
My significant other and I recently broke up, came by to help my mum. Understand that, we still very much love each other but our different operating procedures made having a relationship a battle, sadly. He is always doing stuff for her because she adores him, and he her, and I now I am expected to help. Mind you she has no clue our relationship is over, furthermore that it started.

Understand I that was so very fussy to see him. You can imagine it right. My eyes glistened; my smile beamed. I looked like a six-year-old whose daddy won her a huge stuff tiger at a fair. I am truly shameless- shake your head. Shameless with ridiculous a grin and a happy dance.

By the end of his time with us, I become melancholy. Here is this man I love and whose energy I want to bask in but we want different things. It was a magical day, but the spell was about to wear off. There I was Cinderella and it is 11:59 pm.

Instantly he could see the sadness looming like gloomy grey clouds. The he snaps "Hey!” calling me back to reality..."Enjoy and embrace this moment don't get caught in past or future. Just enjoy now."

He hasn't called since he left. That's for the best. I am contented because now that day is one my list of good memories.

Clarissa Collymore
May 24, 2020