

We are now facing a different kind of life of which we are not habituated. Everyone is inside
their houses and spending time with their family. All the factories, industries, mills, etc are
closed. There is no one on the streets nor in the hotels. Everything is empty. In our normal
life the scenario is totally different. People are always in a hurry reach their office otherwise
the senior would deduct his salary, all the students running to school otherwise their
teachers would give them punishment. Everyone used to be remarkably busy. Students used
to be busy with their studies; adults were busy with their work and household work. People
used to say that life is a race because to be the best everyone used to try their level best.
But now the total scenario has changed. Now there is no competition for excellence. This all
happened because of Coronavirus prominently known as COVID-19. Now the most
important and most trending news is coronavirus. It is now a global celebrity. Starting from
the rich to poor, everyone is using his name with terror. It has become a theft to the world
economy. Every country is becoming poor day by day. All the companies are under great
loss. Sometimes the stock is crashing so much that the government is forced to introduce
circuit break for 15 minutes or even for whole day. Many people are dying due to the
dreadful virus. Doctors are unable to save the people as the virus is mysterious. The total
world is under lockdown even the powerful countries are unable to save their people. On
the other hand, it has done many good things which we were lacking. Now people can stay
with their family and spending time with them. Students had got relief from their day to day
hectic life. Factories are closed, vehicles are very less on road. This has cut down the
pollution level of the environment. Animals are free to move in the environment as their
there no humans nor any kind of pollution to disturb their peace and harmony. Many news
reporters reported that various kind of animals are now seen on road who roaming with
their family. Now instead of humans, animals had occupied the roads for their road.
According to a report, most of the people suicide due to extreme stress, frustration and
anxiety. Most prominently students’ suicide due to the pressure of studies. But now
everyone is happy and having fun in their respective houses and there no kind of stress
because there no work to be done by the humans. The society is under complete lockdown.
Many scientists are saying that a virus had done the work which doctors were unable to
cure which is stress and lack of time for the family. The virus had changed the common
humanity and had brought a new awakening life for the common people. It had made
everyone equal. All the powerful countries are also trapped by this pandemic. All the rich
men are forced to stay at home like the labourers. In this situation, everyone is same and
equal. Nature is showing its actual power and animals are now free to live independently.
Now various kinds of birds and mammals are seen in different areas who were assumed to
be extinct due to human development and growth. Pangolins were assumed to be extinct
but now they are being seen by many people. We, humans had forgotten the necessity of
other animal species. Now it’s their time to live and enjoy.