

Darkness falls all through the land , and so they sit. Upon a hill , catching whiff of , the smoke. Passing the reefer , gazing at the stars they cough , and choke. On the highest green with many colors to alure you , the smell that adores you , do not let the aphrodisiac , whore you. It can if you will , make a man grab his lady , she says," Not now !" , He says, " Let me explore you ! " . Her body of Christ , dear Lord who am I ? To compare making love to Christ ? It's the oh , I need you , the invisible oh , I feel you , in the heat and the passion the future I see through. Blunts and joints to get the point , it's like an allergy for her not to love his hip thrust to enjoy , what it is he see's in her , sweat dripping all of the fixings like supper. To taste the lady , lick under the dress , take care of belated , love lost. Written on her kitten purr , toss . The magic.
© JerryButthead