

wtf dungeon and dragons is for real ch 12
Chapter 12

After the kids clam down, I told him he wasn't ready to face him since he was only on level 15 while the pumpkin man was at level 40. I asked Seth how long I had the spell on, for he told me I had three hours. I told the boy that he will train him until he reaches level 30, and it will take him 2 days. And he will help him defeat the pumpkin head. The boy took out his hand for a shake, which they shook the next morning.

I was talking to John and the new York captain about what I was doing by using the cat skill. "Well, it is a good thing you're staying there for a few days, I was about to ask why. When it cuts off because the unwanted guests arrived, only John was in New York because the others were helping the brainwashed town rebuild. The other reason was to keep them safe from the guests, which were a cult that believed that holy magic magic was the only way to get rid of the monster. Dark magic was helpful to the monster, so people like that were rid of. Which means Cherry will be asked to join because her class is in their eyes holy as for
Kieran would be in danger of being killed and making war. Which no one was ready for , so that why they weren't here. As for me, the boy asked me about what level he was on now. Seth can understand him, so he transferred for me, I looked in the book, and he was level 25. I told Seth to tell him he had 5 more levels to go he was very happy to get back to training with the gobin rides.

My plan was to attack with the chief gobin and the witch gobin, who I have just evolved she can now do fire fist and lce on the chief. Who will distract the pumpkin man while the golem attacks underground because it will learn dig at level 30. It was the afternoon when we finally started our attack plan. The boy shows us that the pumpkin man hides out where twenty-five men are outside and maybe more inside. I summoned gobin flyt riders to attack along with eight gobin witches and four gobin chief. I told the boy to wait until the chief pushes the pumpkin man back.

The pumpkin man came out when he heard his men having trouble with the gobins along with twenty more men. One of the chief gobin went to attack him with a lce fist to defend against his fire move. It was cool to see how well they worked together. The boy grabbed my arm, I looked at him and nodded, then summoned his golem to dig. We watched as the gobin and pumpkin push back and forth, until just like. We plan golem to attack from dig right under his feet, and just when he tries to dodge, the attack comes from underneath him, which gets hit from above. Knock out, then one the flight gobin rides flew to me, pick me up to see the army that summoned me here was heading this way. I had no choice but to leave now, I use Cthulhus to teleport me to the nearest beach of Texas. I asked the kids to keep quiet about me to the army so they wouldn't know more about me or my monsters.