

#WritcoStoryPrompt9 #HorrorStories
Insanity is realizing that you no longer fall asleep, the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over expecting different results.even though I understand the sentiment behind the saying , it's still wrong.
One Sunday night a couple minutes to 12 am my friend's and I was playing simple truth and dare, we live in a small neighborhood pretty close to another neighborhood that wasn't really occupying more than 3-5 persons. it's strange enough that those few persons are very old, either they don't talk, or they cannot walk or probley can't see either.
It was mildly strange why would there family leave them alone in such place as this. the gas stations doesn't work, the food stores haven't been open in like years, there are no super markets and there's no pathway available to drive and barley places to walk.
Either way there's only one place that looks open , but it had been rumored to be closed before I was born, we walked pass this neighborhood everyday in the morning on our way to school over the next section of the neighborhood, we tend to see those few persons take there time and head straight towards the Hotel everyday around 7 am.
We were not sure why they would go into an hotel that's on the map of 1 the most haunted places in the world. but my friend peaches deared me to take the elevator up to the roof of the building which I heard has 50 floors supposedly.
If I completed the dear I would receive $1000 Usd in hand concidering how hard that task is, knowing that the hotel is mildly haunted. I accepted it because I was short for cash and I needed the money for my bills and school so I took up the challenge, it seem pretty simple, standing in an elevator untill floor fifty and shine my flashlight and head back down, simple enough right?.the hotel was old and broken including the elevator , in the main corridor there is this huge mud drawn circle with unlit candles,inside of the circle dripping blood lined out .it gave me the chills
I proceeded to walk towards the elevator when an insane chill went down my spine. I ignored it and walked inside the old elevator, I tapped the button to go up but unfortunately the elevator doesn't work, so that ment hiking up the stairs.
Up the stairs I went, as I reach each floor I started to count in my head to keep check on how far I was "1,2,3,4" more floors to go!. it was awfully peaceful but extremely cold I had shivers just by climbing up, I had to keep looking back because of how terrified I actually am of what I've heard about this place. I felt allitle tired as I crept higher, but so far no ghosts, no cannibals,no demons. piece of cake.
A few hours went by and I cant express how happy I was reaching the last few stretch of floors. I joyfully counted them aloud "45,46,47,48,49,49". "Wait a minute", I stopped and look back down the door , "oh, I must have miscounted". so I continued walking up the stair case hopefully seeing the number 50 on the door.
I walked up, and up, I went up 15 more flights of stairs . " I must have really miscalculated" this is impossible 49 has been the number I've seen the past fifteen flights of stairwells and so it's been for as long as I can remember.
I banged my flashlight to get it to light up again and I reached into my pocket for the phone to look at the time, only to realize the clocks saying 3:49 am.
So really, insanity isnt doing something repeatedly and expecting different answers, it's knowing that the results won't ever change , that each door leading to the same staircase, to the same number. it's realizing that you no longer fall asleep realizing that sobbing turns into laughter.
© Laurel Hope🇯🇲