

Something About The Dinosaurs and My Intriguing Observation

The other day I was viewing the dinosaur T.Rex in a scene from Jurassic World: Fallen Kingdom. And it was a scene where they take blood of T.Rex from the truck container that was keeping it. And I thought I thought my God! Are they really defined hard bony ridges on the forehead over the eyes?

The T-Rex and dinosaurs cannot be a bird if they have so distinct Reptilian features, or worse they cannot be classified as birds and/ or reptile because of their mixed features that paleontologists have discovered.

Comparison of Dinosaurs

There were different Kinds of Dinosaurs during different periods of time and they were either descendants of the same species or evolved out of different ones. It is very intriguing to think about the way life used to thrive in the late Cretaceous period. Dinosaurs are unique classification of therapods and four-legged creatures that either hunt or prey on other dinosaurs or mammals or Herbivorous ones consume trees, plants and other vegetation.

I believe that the modern classification that gives distinction between Reptiles, birds, mammals and other life does not serve well for the dinosaurs or creatures of that era,. That’s because the features and characteristics of a reptile, bird, and other animals can be found altogether in different variating proportions in a particular Dinosaur.

Take for example the T-Rex. It has been taken for first as a reptile and depicted as bald, scaly, fleshy, bulky big huge reptile that’s a ferocious carnivore predator who either hunts, or scavenges its prey. Thanks to the paleontologists research on the bones of the dinosaur they have found marks and evidence of it being a feathered and bird like creature. Now that they’re classifying it as more bird but it’s peculiar. Because it’s not a bird as it has Bony cartilages and Reptilian like appendages, ridges that are on the head and eyes that are a distinct feature. That makes T-Rex into a reptilian. Moreover, if they were all reptiles, why do some of them give eggs and some birth directly, especially Herbivores? And why are there Herbivores ‘Reptiles’, so to speak? As reptiles today are mostly only carnivorous?


Don’t take me wrong because I’m not wanting this to shoot into the direction of vague speculation , like those few pompous documentaries which accept vagueness for no reason. Rather, I do have a strong sense of insight about what I have stumbled onto and a solid arrival to conclusion of how magnificently different and one-of-a-kind creatures Dinosaurs were. They possesses both bird feathers and appear like Lizard if you look from the top because it has a huge tail to support its therapod structure. A Stark mixture of both features, and it’s predominantly a reptile and bird like feathers. And one of a kind species with its own unique distinct patterns and behaviors. That’s why it’s called a Dinosaur and not a bird. Means it’s a creature with a mixture of feathers and bird like features with a predominant reptile like body that has ridges and tail and a one-of-a-kind genome and vibe imprint.

Do not take me wrong, I know that today’s Birds and Reptiles are also descendants of dinosaurs but that’s what they really are, switched off genes diverted separate into two species. Means, separated into two distinct species whose earlier genes switched-off or repressed and separated as distinct two species as we see today. It’s necessary to note the research that reveals that several features like bird feathers, scales, beak, clawed and webbed-feet, therapod, quadraped, ridges, cartilages and razor-sharp teeth etc. are switchable between species and were still evolving during the late Triassic, Cretaceous and Jurassic period and today we still have Dino-like-birds that are large and essentially behave like them, for example the shoe-bill bird, the ostrich, etc. but that too is descendants of some dinosaurs some of whose earlier genes switched of and adapted into its new-earth environment.

For example, if you look at Ankylosaurs, Stegosaurus, Triceratops, etc. would you really classify them as Birds? Or Reptiles? How ridiculous is that, Right? They were living tanks like Rhinos, Armadillos, Cows or Elephants of their times. Still not satisfied with this theory.

Saying that Birds evolved from Dinosaurs is a Vague Statement. As birds who fly today, are not from T.Rex!

As, Eagle didn’t evolve from T.Rex 😄, definitely there are flying birds from the past paleolithic era, all the way from Jurassic era that became today’s modern day flying birds. And, some other therapod dinosaurs into today’s Ostrich, Shoe-bill etc. As most of the great dinosaurs of the age went extinct during mass Extinction. 🌎🌏✳

There are also very distinctly recognizable fossils of ancient Turkey, eagle, humming birds, etc. The birds that fly today are mostly distinct birds from the past only. Name a Therapod that was gigantic became into a flying bird? or a Quadraped in Rhinoceros?
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