

Lock of a Heart ❤ \Chap:1//
Well it all starts out with a boy i truley like.. And- oh sorry i forgot my name, my name is Rena Scollu, im an Asian American citizen. Im a brown hair brown eyes girl, I dont have any friends of course ;-;, And I live in New York. So besides that piont.. There is a boy i truley like.. And- i don't know if he likes me. His name is Col, hes a red head with green eyes. And i dont know if he even recognizezes me at all, I mean i have band class with him.. I play the clarinet and Col plays the trumpet.. he kinda sucks though >:). So life has been goo- "oof" I said. "whats wrong with you watch where you-" Col looks down at me like some weird frog or somthing ;-;. "oh im so sorry i didnt mean to.. see my frien-" Col said with a worried look in his eyes. "Bruh do you even know who you even bumped into.. thats ~Rena~." A boy that seems to be Col's friend said. "hey be nice whay harm could she do she seems ~cute~!" Col said. The word cute echoed threw my head like i was in a cave, i froze and just stared straight at Col. "suite yourself but still i advise you to stay away from her, she could bring trouble to you!" The strange random boy said. "well i-ill see you later...uh.. Rena." Col said with a stutter as he smiled. "bye!" I just stood there thinking it was all a dream, i was shoked! And as you can tell.. i had done somthing so unforgiving in fourth grade that made everybody not want to be my friend.. And the only one who doesnt know is Col... If he finds out... Its game over..