

Once a time in a nearby city ,

Was a small school located in a small area ,

As usual the teacher asked a question each day ,

To his fellow students ,

The question was such that ,

The teacher asked some mud from the heavens .

Hearing the question ; the students were in shock and surprise .

They asked themselves , ' How come someone bring a bottle filled with sand from heaven

The teacher understood their questions in mind

He gave them a time of one day ,

Indeed the question was a bizarre

But had a deep meaning in it

The next day ; he asked the question

Did anyone brought the sand from the heaven

The class was filled with full of silence

All of a sudden from somewhere ,

A student ran towards him and gave a

jar filled with sand ; he said in a gasp , Here's it sir

The class was once again came in shock !!

The teacher then asked him

From where did you brought it

He replied in a glazing smile

From the heavens

The class later busted with laughter making fun of him ,

Later he replied to his teacher ,

This mud is from our backyard where my parents used to walk on ,

I don't know about any heaven

But as much I know

Wherever our parents leave their footprints

That land automatically turns into a heaven

Below their feet lies the heaven

All our achievements and troubles lies before them

Without them our lives are incomplete

Hearing this the whole class was filled with the noise of applause

The teacher later hugged him tightly

and said , 'Absolutely correct my son '