

Life becomes meaningless unless...
#TheMeaningofLife #writcostory
This is my narrative on the "Life becomes meaningless unless" prompt. Hope you enjoy! 🙂

When we are still in our childhoods we view the world through an unbiased lens that becomes clouded and darkened as we grow older and experience hardships and see many of life's unfortunate realities. It is as if these negative aspects of life form some sort of veil that gradually envelops our senses of perception and how we view the world around us. Ever notice that as a child, the world as we see it has this limitless, anything is possible, magical feel to it? They say the sky is the limit, but even for some it doesn't stop there. I guess when we are still children, in all of our innocence, we only see the beauty in the world as we attempt to make sense of it with awelike wonder. Once we begin to experience pain and heartache, the dark aspects of life, I assume that those darker parts (being void of light) start obstructing our individual lenses of how life is viewed. Then you have the societal conceptualizations also weighing down our outlooks on life and further confining views and beliefs . Telling us anything taboo is bad, that one religion is correct and another is a sin, being judged upon ethnic backgrounds, sexual orientations, gender categorizing, economical statuses, etc. You have cliques in social settings who pressure adolescents into being, looking, and acting in specific artificial ways. You have poverty level communities who drift into crime, drug addictions and illegal behaviors which gift them with stereotypical judgements being splat at them. The majority of society not even looking into the stats of these communities and seeing the similarities and common themed factors that make up those individuals among the communities which is often the sad racial injustices that the minorities are subjected to face. It creates this false impression of such individuals based upon fallacies or misinterpretations. What I'm getting at is as we grow older we are coerced into becoming these individuals molded into what society sees as accepting as opposed to individuals who are true to their core, living out their lives fully aligned with their inner or core being. That could be a heavily faulted factor in the reasoning for our shifts in how we view the world.
The troubling thing of it is is that all of these factors contributing to our perceptions of the world and how we view ourselves and others is prominent in regards to having meaningful lives.
When I was a child I knew without a doubt that I was destined for success, happiness, and love when I became an adult. I automatically assumed that those things would be a part of my reality, I never once doubted that my life might turn out to be void of love. I never once questioned the fact that I may reach adulthood and find that I was among the unlucky individuals whose life lacked success or purpose. That I would end up an addict or criminal or failure. That's just not the way a child "naturally" thinks. Not until or unless they are subjected to circumstances that put those possibilities in place for them.
It's inevitable that eventually, yes, we all will experience or witness the obstacles and negatives that are certain to be a part of every life at one point or another but if we were taught to evaluate, accept, and respond to these things appropriately then we might see a decline in the way people allow these experiences to impact us. Today it's common to hear of people resorting to drugs or irrational behaviors when they become hurt or get down. We have been taught to ignore our feelings of anger, rage, envy, disgust because those feelings are "bad". In reality, when you don't fully embrace and deal with an emotion, you are actually just suppressing that emotion. Burying it deeper and deeper but not ridding yourself of it. Eventually, like anything else, anything that gets bottled up more and more will eventually explode. It's no different with human reactions to emotions either so I think if society was more set on accepting everyone for who they are despite their differences then people would be less inclined to resort to negative thoughts and behaviors therefore we would see a decrease in negative consequences. I am not saying that bad things would no longer happen because there is many things we have no control of and you can't have good without bad. It's just not the way the world works. But anyway, the bad response and evaluation of such things causes people to doubt their abilities or worth and has them fearing to express their unique qualities and skills because they are afraid of judgement or ridicule. And that is a very serious problem because how can you truly live a life with meaning if you can't be totally comfortable being your true self. How could you ever fully wish to excercise and maximize your abilities and skills if you are too scared to express them? You can never grow to your destined greatness when you have so many factors influencing your cultivation of your natural born talents, interests and gifts out of fear of being judged or shunned. How can you possibly know your purpose in life if you haven't examined every inch of your core being? And how can you have a purpose if you feel there is no purpose to life? It just doesn't make sense.
If there's anything that my experiences and lifelong lessons have taught me, it is to be true to yourself. Life truly is much more meaningful when you can love yourself and believe in your talents and do exactly what you want to do without fear of judgement. When you can live each day feeling totally fulfilled because you are able to make a living doing what you love or are able to do what you just know you were brought into this life to do. So, in my opinion life has no meaning unless you can somehow find a way to lift that veil that most adults have over their eyes and view the world again as you did when you were young, with childlike wonder in an unbiased way. To not be judgemental of yourself or others and to find what makes you happy and live your life doing it. Just be sure it is something progressive and not destructive. Don't give ANYONE the power to prevent you from being true to your self, or to keep you from living out your destined purpose. Never fear rejection or worry if others agree with your sense of self. You are special because you are You. Your unique qualities and interests, your strange sense of style, your sarcastic sense of humor, even your unethically favored views of what this life is and what comes after is vital and important to the quality of your life. Besides, the most beautiful souls aren't those who lived life abiding by all the rules, doing and thinking exactly as everyone else. That is not what we were put here on this planet to do. There is beauty in expression. What would be the point of gifting humans with the ability to exercise creativity and explore different ideas and concepts if it wasn't their intended purpose and given right to do so? The purpose of life is to find purpose in life and you can't find anything without exploring and searching.
© Manda H.