

The 3 rules of love ❤️
whenever love word is heard naturally a smile comes on one's face..love is just not a word but it wil filled with lots of emotions and it's really very special feeling. But just loving someone is not enough there are certain things that need to be kept in mind for a happy n lifetime relationship. Bond of love is very special bond n if broken will never be the same again.

trust-the first rule of love. trust the most important part of love. if one say that person love you but you can feel that that person doesnot trust you than nothing can be more hurting than that. relationship starts with Trust. Trust is like a glass bottle once broken than cannot be same again. when 2 people are in love thier life is dependent on each other and one another have faith in each other that should never go for happy relationship otherwise once the gap is created it will never be the same again and have smooth bonding.

never lie to each other- The second rule of love. main important thing to know is lies cannot be kept hidden for long the truth some or the other day comes infront of all. when people are in relationship and feel they can lie their partner and do what they want to do that belief is very wrong. if somone love u truely they believe in you n if you cheat them than at that moment they might be hurt but it's your loss for lifetime because you will loose the person for whom u were everything. it might be long distance or short distance relationship partners should never lie. if one want to do something than convence you partner tell them but never lie.

Respect- third rule of love
every person whether a girl or a boy for everyone their self respect is very much important. being in relationship doesnot mean you can tell you partner to do thing what you want , if you partner is going in wrong way then you can stop them , make them understand but not forcefully. if your partner have some dreams support them , motivate them, encourage them and see the wonders they wil create.

never break the trust
never lie to eachother
never disrespect eachother
for happy and beautiful relationship..❤️