

Mystery About Me (Chapter 7: Mean Girl!)
My fake self was exactly like me from the outside! But from the inside she was totally opposite of me. SHE WAS SUCH A JERK!! Never in the million years I was like that girl. There were a lot of things going on my mind. It is unbelievable to find someone exactly like you(from the outside)on earth. It all happend in a flash and then boom I became a ghost and fake me dropped down from HELL!
It's not like I was always such a good girl...but all the bad stuff I had, I just kept it in my mind...not like her; spitting everything out😖.
Anyway the conversation between that girl and fake me continued.
"Momo! There you are, I've been lookingeverywherefor you." Said the girl.
Then the fake me replied, "Agh! what do you want Fumie. You keep getting uglier and uglier day by day, get out of my site..you disgust me!"
OH MY GOSH!! I CANT BELIEVE HER. How can I ever say something like that.
Those words hurt me deep into my heart. And it hurts me more when I think of how Fumie must have felt!😟
Now I remember, Fumie used to be my best friend back then! And I never felt something like that gross for her...I never even thought bad stuff for her.
I keep remembering things...yay! But no time to celebrate. Their conversation continued. "What has gotten into you! You use to be such a good friendof mine and just as the new semester started and you got back from your vacation; you've completely changed!" Said Fumie.
I don't remember having a vacation or anything 🤔. My fake me's reply after that was the meanest thing anyone could ever say! And I would never say that. She replied,
"Ugh, just shut up! You do what I say so you better work on that. and I f you say a word about our conversation to anyone!" She stopped, looked right and left and then whispered loudly in Fumie's ears, "I'll end you!".
Tears got into my eyes.. I can't believe how rude I am..I mean fake me is.
I don't get why Fumie is even listening to her. Or maybe it's because she still believes in me and she knows that something is wrong here. She was a really good friend and she still is. I have to ask for her help..she might be the one who could actually help me. Just then the school bell rang and school got over. I have to do a lot of work on getting Fumie's attention.