

Am I Different
Mom; - Riya why are you crying baby? is something wrong are you not feeling well? can I help you in some way... wait I'll bring you some water.

Riya;- Ma I have something to tell you but the fear inside me is not letting me tell you. ma.. I. I...I'm... im... I'm... a lesbian...

mom; - darling, don't tell me you were crying to tell me this. well you don't have to worry it's kinda normal, some people love the opposite gender, and some love the same gender. that doesn't mean you're different or your doing something wrong... I support you and I'm happy you told me... at least now you don't have to worry about anything okay you relax baby...

Riya;- thanks ma I never knew you'd stay by my side even after I told you this.

mom; - your my child how can I not support you... every mother needs to support her child so that the child lives happily and stress free...

hey all this is an imaginary situation but it also happens in reality... please help a child understand that it's not wrong to be a lesbian, gay or anything else... it's your body and mind so it's gonna be your decision.
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