

Abel began to tell his feelings for Emilie,
"I love you Emilie;" Abel said
"You love me,you shouldn't. We are students and we don't need to be impatient;" Emilie said,she had disagree about his feelings for her. She remembered what her father said to her before he died.
"Be very careful about boys for this days not all of them were to be trusted;" he had said
"I am just saying it for you to know, if we are through with our education you will marry me;" Abel told her.
"No problem if you behave well;"she agreed
"I will"
They smiled,Abel did lie,he didn't want to solve mathematics after all he wanted to drag Emilie out of her room to tell her his love for her, as a student he knew it was wrong to love.
Never in her life has she witness this in her life, she didn't realize it, it wasn't even real that people will say but Emilie experience it this day. Emilie imagined Lawrence enter the classroom when he was sick.
"Lawrence;"she called but Monica hit her on the shoulder, she turned to her.
"It is Abel that is standing and not Lawrence;"she told her. She quickly realized
"sorry;"she said silently and Abel greeted her and went to his seat,a bit angry. Emilie feel her body,Lawrence must have really filled her mind from last night that she finished copying his notes.
"Emilie,what is wrong with you?, did you sleep and dreamed about Lawrence?;" Monica asked
"oh nothing,I called Lawrence name thinking it was Abel, It was a mistake;"she replied. Such a relief.
Lawrence return back to school after staying for two days at home,Ginika walked up to him and sat on a locker beside him.
"I am very sorry for your illness;" she told him
"What!, I'm not sick,am I?;" Lawrence said regretful
"Lawrence I am through with what I said I will help you with;"Emilie's voice was heard walking to them.
"Oh Emilie!;" he cried out "I'm so grateful".
Emilie gave his note to him and they started to talk,they left Ginika in her seat.
"Rubbish!, doesn't he think that I have been waiting for too long. Who doesn't have interest in a minister's daughter, why not him?;" Ginika scoff and stood up from the seat and left.
In the Evening,After evening lessons Emilie,Edward,Monica, and Abel were all standing and they had to go home, Lawrence passed by holding his backpack.
"Do you want to follow us?;" Emilie asked stopping him.
"No you should all go, I will go home, Monica see ya;" Lawrence said but Emilie hold his hand as he was about to leave, she release it quickly.
"Sorry you can't go without us, We are all friends;" She said
"We are friends?;" he asked surprised "When really?"
"Let go together the five of us;" Emilie said, they all went home together, Abel kept admiring Emilie as she and Monica talked.
Tests came upon eight weeks and Lawrence scored the highest mark in Mathematics beating Emilie this time and follows is Monica.
"Congratulations Lawrence, you succeeded in being the best in the two maths tests,I hope you will pass the exams like that too;" Emilie told him smiling
"Oh stop that,it can't flatter me;"he said.
"I should?, you're the best"
"congratulations too".
After solving some homework, Monica begin to tease Emilie whispering in her ears.
"Uhn, Emilie Abel is really mad for love,don't break his heart, don't even be afraid for him to be your boyfriend;"Monica said after ending the teasing.
"Abel you say, it's nice but he can't be my boyfriend for it is not the right time;" Emilie said putting a book into her bag and she stood up then Monica followed laughing.
"Teasing you girl. Though he can be yours but let me just tell you something about Lawrence;" she paused seeing that Emilie's mood had change into curiosity she continued.
"He is a guy to be trusted, he had help me once before and got himself wounded. I was walking past a road when one vehicle drove in a speed he saw that I was in danger and pushed me out of the road, the two of us ended in the hospital even with his great effort. He is a helper and a kind boy;"she narrated.
"Are you telling a story?;" Emilie asked
"For real"
"Then when did it happened?"
"Long ago before we became friends,this was on a second term holiday"
"Wow!, that's great".
Emilie envy and admire lawrence, was he like that and she had stayed away from him.
.......To be continued
Part three on it way