

The horror
Derek: hello Alison please if I come to your house today please don't open the door for me
Alison: what do you mean
Derek; please don't open the door for me
Alison; if this is one of your prank I'll be very angry with you
Derek; I said if I come to your house today don't open the door for me . wait are you alone at home
Alison ; yes
Derek; lock all of your doors right now and your windows please
Allison ; please you are outside the window I just saw you right now so why did you ask me to lock the doors and window and you have knocked on the door not now I'm coming to open the door.
Derek; no lock the door unlock yourself inside the person you see is not me the person is stealing my face
Alison : oh my God do you mean you're not the one outside right now
Derek ; yes that's what I was trying to tell you please don't let it enter it's coming to hurt you
Alison: I'm scared what what do you want me to do. oh God I think he's holding a stone. maybe he wants to break in through the window.
Derek; go to the toilet and lock yourself inside.
Alison : ok I have went and lock myself inside, I think he had broke in and He's banging the door.Am so scared
Derek: call the police I am also trying my best
Alison; what ever you are doing it's working
Derek; Allison are you still there Alison call me back please are you there talk to me Alison say something.
Alison; I am here the police are here and they can't find the thing it is gone.
Derek; really I'm I'm coming tomorrow I will explain everything to you then
Alison; okay .
Derek; Allison how you are talking it doesn't make me to be sure that it's really you. are you really the one I'm talking to.

The person you're talking to blocked your number