

Today's dream .... 29/01
As I promised in my last quote....

I saw that I was talking to a mystery boy , who kept asking me about who I love but i denied soo he snatched my blue notebook and at the last page of it , I confessed in words that I did liked him eventually everyone at that place got to know , hence , i had to accept my feelings towards and later when he got to know then he asked me if I have any other prove to make it crystal clear, i gave him that page of my diary where I had told him how actually I felt for him... He didn't give me any answer to that but asked me for my phone ....
It felt soo magical cause that boy wasn't a mystery to me at all, he was that boy, I still in love with. He saved his contact in my phone and his important details whilst I was checking my phone. He called me and I smiled in my dream. I spent the most beautiful moments of my life even I had ride his back and sighed into his ear as he moaned , He told me how much he loved me that moment. Maybe it was just a dream but those moments which I can't have with him now, I had in my dream. It's actually hurtful to everyday think about how far we've gone from each other and lost each other on the way to infinity.
I wanted to stay in that dream forever smiling with him and letting him be mine forever whilst this world ends alone, I know it won't come back and I know that i won't be able to move forward leaving him behind. Somewhere , finding each other on the way, we drifted apart. I would still choose him even if I am at my death bed cause for Happiness, There is a price to pay and I would pay that without any second thought.
I just don't want it to be just one sided at all .
Maybe, Dreams mean something and I don't know the meaning of this one ....

Someone said, In order to save a relationship. sometimes, we have to ignore some mistakes and forget them to keep things meaningful and reasonable for both of them.

© Straighttoheaven

You can find me really contradictory with my own thoughts, I'm unfortunately a Gemini soo, I change like weather it's actually a flaw but I'm amazing the way I'm.... hope, it won't bother anyone....