

The Iron.
The waitress' eyes grew wide at the crumpled paper the woman had handed with the money.
"Help," it read.
When she looked up, the woman was gone... Damn it. I can't put this crumpled money in the cash register. I would be fired for sure because I've had so many warnings. I went into the back room and grabbed the iron and ironing board and brought it up front. I plugged in the iron and waited for it to heat up. Hurry hurry I thought. I didn't want my boss to see what I was doing. Another customer just paid me more crumpled money. What is happening? Did I fall into crumpled money world? Ok good. Iron is nice and hot. "You'll have to seat yourself and give your order to the cook" I told a customer. "Wait" I said. "Your jacket is a little wrinkled. Give it here". I scanned the back area for my boss. He was nowhere in sight. I finished ironing the money and started the jacket. More customers with more wrinkled clothes I just had to iron. I know I'm going to get caught. So I quietly walked to his office to make sure he was there. I looked through the crack in the door (which I'll iron later) and he was getting ready to take our cash deposit to the bank. But to my dismay, he was crumpling the dollar bills into the bank bag. I had to quickly call my friend Candy at the bank to get out her ironing board and iron. Her boss was also a real stickler for nice, flat money.

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