

Why Should It be Always Girls?
We belong to a country where women is respected equal to God... No no as God... But in this same society she said being abused in all the aspects of her life...

I am not a feminist the elite feminist.... Let's talk about the ground reality a girl faces...

She was given birth.... She had been praised..... She had been allowed for her education... There it starts.... Every time she's being compared to her brother... Her cousins... Or her neighbors.... Do you think this s fair...

A girl is always viewed as a product of prestige for the family.... She has 100's &1000's of restrictions where they claim it to be for her safety....

Fine the society is abusive.... How about the families then...????

The bitter truth is they are worse

Society abuses at her back... But family and relatives does it at her face.. She has to Undergo every shit that happen around her naming it as her safety....

After a particular age the girl has to Learn all the household chores... Where it's destined go be her job... If the mother s working... Then the whole family Will abuse, advice the girl to Help the mom..... Why don't you ask the boys of the family to do It... Why should It be always girls???

When the mother comes back from work and the house is not clean and the girls child of the family is in her early 20's... The next question will be "what were you doing from the morning ????why don't you do all these ?? why should I be doing every thing??? " So many similar questions and the rest of the family will see the girl like a murder suspect and advice her to be in the good books of the mom and other.... If this same situation happens with the boy who's of late 20's.... He will never be questioned???? The mother and other will all again backfire the girls of the family...

This may sound funny.... But imagine the girl of the family... Every time she's said that she's equal to the boy child of the family but she's not even given the privilege of not doing this household chores... Is this equal rights... Then why should it be always girls??

We study... We work!!!! We do everything but we are not allowed to do what we like!!! The boys are questioned for following their passion but they are not stopped... But girls have to stop following their passion only for the family and the society..... Why should it be always girls????

Can a boy feel the pain of being stopped from following his passion... When it happens he will Fight back and get it... And everyone will praise him for that and he will be considered as a strong man... But when the girl Does it she called with all dirty names and finally she has to leave it in the name of sacrifice for her family's prestige... Crazy right!!!!

If a girl s obese, fat??? What's wrong why don't her parents support her for her appearance... Even they worry about finding a groom for her!! And more over her parents will show her other girls who are thin and compare you with her... ( I just don't know how many can feel this but that insecurity feeling in the family will kill you).Is there any rules that says obese girls shouldn't be married or they have to reduce their weight to get married.??? Why does the society see the girl in such a ugly look... Does appearance bring prosperity toThe family?? Or is it that the thin girls are boon to the family??? It's just your stupid lame eyes which has defined the girls.... Would any one dare to ask such question to your sons??? Then why should it always be girls......

We are In 21st century so called the technological age... But we are still questioning girls on their dresses and weight???? Development!!!! Look at our development.... Shame on us!!!

Men are considered to be stronger sex since they would protect women... It's not that it's just that women are physically weak and men are emotionally weak... And that's why a man and a women gets married to support and accompany each other... But we see marriage as a product selling function where the girl has to be thin ,good looking, well educated, and who has to work.... Why don't all this be in the lifes of men also???? Why should it always be girls!!!!

A younger brother of a family can question the sister... When it can be considered for the safety... When it comes to the sister she's not allowed to... Why should it be always girls...

We think that we are changing... Do you think we are... If all these are changing 4 month only girl child wouldn't be raped brutally... Is it the fault of the child.... Why should it be always girls..... ???

Girls study... Work... Support the family... Do everything but why don't she get the privilege of being such...

All these are fine...... The girl of the family is so much protected and taken care and the prestige of the family will be a guest after her wedding.... In the same family.... Strange right!!!!! Again why should It be always girls???

Every family show cases girls as they are in need of the materials... Like for example girls are always gifted with jewelry and such... And they think this s enough to make her happy... The real scenario is she doesn't need gold or jewellery to be happy... She need her mom and dad to appreciate her treat the same way they treat the boy child... She want her parents to never give up on her to anyone out there??? She wants her parents to be her lawyers!!!! She wants her parents to sit next to her and talk..... Girls are really simple a small thing can make them happy... But she never gets that.... Why should it be always girls....

I don't know whether I am talking right or wrong these are my strong inbuilt question that one have grown with... What so ever may happen... The girl might not be happy with the family but she never gives up on the family and never shows on the face... She tries to face everyone with a smile... A strong women's smile.... And that's why I told women have strong emotions.... I have a lots to say... Might be am choking with words...

But girls remember your always spl.... You have special powers to handle everyone with a smiling face... Keep smiling... Sometimes your smile will kill your haters.....

As a Bharathiyar said

"Pennai piraka mathavam seithirikavendum... ".........

Keep this s in your self....never put your self down.... The world may say 100's and 1000's ..... Just remember you deserve more..... Always keep your head two inch high and walk others will not have the guts to face you... Until the rest of my question emerges... Keep smiling

Happy living.....