

Dark Sky Sentiment
January 7, 2021 at precisely zero three thirty, the sky went dark. The stars twinkled, flickered and flashed out of existence. The ageless constellations vanished from the heavens while the city skylines went black. That orange-yellow glow that perpetuates the night-scape on almost every continent on earth flickered once and disappeared. Street lights went out along the boulevards and avenues of suburbia that spidered out from the glowing cores of urban amalgamation. All manner of light across the vast illuminated networks of the modern world had suddenly gone dark.

An engineer working for the Canadian Ministry of Natural Resources, and a group of US Geological Survey physicists, discovered that all the generating stations connected to all power grids and transfer stations of North and South America remained at optimal operating capacities. They followed up with teams stationed at the US Atomic Energy Agency and at various high energy research facilities around the world and concluded that there was no justifiable explanation for the event. That night as the stars vanished and the city lights blinked out, the world had descended into a blackness not seen since before the time of Edison, Bell and Tesla. A world plunged into a gloom not known since man had unlocked the arcane secrets of the electron and harnessed its revolutionary properties. The tools of humanity, created and used to ward off the dark and hold the shadows at bay, had suddenly, and without warning, failed, though their sources remained intact. Science could explain the mystery behind any nuance affecting the multitude of electro constructs in some way through quantum formula or mechanical error. What perplexed the engineers and theorists was the absence of the stars in the night sky. Men of science scrambled to their chalkboards and their whiteboards, to their computers and their models, hoping to find an answer to an unanswerable problem.

Stars don’t just wink out existence, nor do lights go dark, which are fully powered and without defect. Even more difficult to explain, and the strangest of all, was the fact that reflections don’t fail to reflect. The eggheads at CERN theorized that a previously undiscovered quantum particle was behind this phenomenon. They were already hard at work at the dials and knobs of their monstrous machines, hoping to be the first with a description of the situation. The LISA team members from the US had their stock invested in a large scale gravitational disturbance from an unknown source and at such a magnitude that the culprit behind the event was not in the realms of current cosmological models. They posited that a distant collision of black holes had occurred, black bodies on the galactic scale and orders of magnitude higher than anything previously discovered. That event had produced a tectonic divergence in the fabric of spacetime. They continued by stating that the collision and resulting split allowed two different space-times to coexist briefly, the resultant effect caused the phenomenon. Though this was well beyond the scope of our current understanding of cosmology and general relativity. Various scientific bodies proposed theories ranging from low profile physical disturbances to mind-boggling cosmic catastrophes. The typical religious explanations have sprung up alongside the scientific theories, hoping to shed some light on the mysterious global event. The religious branches have had difficulty proving their theories in any quantifiable way, though work continues in those fields.

January 7, 2021, everything went dark. It lasted exactly thirty- three minutes. Thirty-three unexplainable minutes of complete darkness had enveloped the world and its contents. When the first light pierced the unexplainable darkness after that time had passed, it wasn’t long before the world got back to normal. The gears began to turn once again and the rat race re-commenced after a brief pause, heading toward that unattainable finish line in the distance. Everything seemed normal, but the explanations didn’t come. Why had the stars gone dark that night? It was impossible to fathom anything of a scale and force powerful enough to blot the stars out of the night sky. In time they learned that a large portion of humanity had no recollection of the incident. Questioning and study of that demographic revealed an alarming trend in that sampled population. A shared memory. A collective version of events that describes the unreal and the terrifying.

Each individual interviewed had a comparable set of visuals. Places, events, objects and reality all sharing similar details. The first person examined was Mrs. Clare Jenkins from Michigan. Her statement to a group of researchers from Neilson included such things as remote star fields and colossal stone edifices. Horizons with three stars, green skies and humans that weren’t humans. Another fellow interviewed by Cambridge researchers in the UK spoke of such things and other beings. He told of Old and strange deities and creatures of immeasurable age whose girth spanned galaxies. A man from South Africa, whose name was redacted from formal records, detailed mathematical formulae, which baffled even the most savant of the maths prodigies. He illuminated Quantum mechanisms intertwined with time scales beyond human comprehension. He proved through that arcane math, a reality he could have never conceived. During that interview, he anxiously transcribed a formula onto several scraps of paper; three hundred and thirty-three times. He died shortly after that meeting. All those interviewed had similar experiences during the transit of realities.

A scientist at the Institute Polytechnic in Tel Aviv, Mr. Khaleed Khalur Ph.D., worked on the formula with his team; they plotted graphs and numbers against the accounts of witnesses and compared the data to spatial cosmology. After an exhaustive eight months, Khaleed and his team of analysts came to a shocking conclusion. According to current string theory, what had transpired during the event when the world went dark, was in fact a shift in the fabric of space and time. They surmised that the forces and interactions described by string theory were indeed true concepts outside of theory. Our existence had collided with a parallel reality on the membranes of spacetime that they occupy. Sections of our dimensional framework interacted with another and caused a surge of unknown energy at magnitudes outside of our understanding of physics. Current models state we exist in an eleven dimensional manifold, with human faculties only able to comprehend the four standard spatial and measurable dimensions. All the others being infinitesimally small and described only through complex maths. What the team concluded was that a certain portion of the population, for unknown reasons, could somehow witness that parallel reality, for approximately thirty-three minutes as it collided with ours. The vast majority of the population had no recollection of the incident at all. The conclusion, which had been tested and peer reviewed, baffled the scientific community. News quickly spread around the globe, jump starting dozens of advanced projects and theories in the quantum mechanical and cosmological fields.

Exactly three years after the sky went dark, Clare Jenkins walked into the Enrico Fermi II nuclear power plant and entered the main reactor chamber without shielding. The thirty-three-year-old mother of three was immediately saturated with enough gamma radiation to kill the entire population of New York. She stood still and a thoughtful expression spread across her face. Moments after she entered the reactor core, her eyes disintegrated, replaced by glowing white beams of radioactive light. That thoughtful expression remained, and she recited something in an unknown dialect, conversing with things beyond this world. Her mouth opened and closed, each time beams of glowing irradiated light poured forth. The gamma illumination intensified until the strange white energy enveloped the entire facility and spread outward. At her feet, the earth shook and cracked open as more of that light ushered forth into our world. A sound that could only be described as a pummeling, deafening silence coursed through the collapsing building and the crumbling ground itself. A great being was rising from that deep, infinite cosmic well beneath her. Its presence warped our reality, rewriting physical laws as it was born into this world.

Mrs. Clare Jenkins from Detroit, Michigan, wouldn’t have noticed the surrounding destruction. She wasn’t there. Clare had gone somewhere else when the world collided with that other reality. She left when the world went dark. Her body and mind had crossed over into an existence with physical laws as strange and stranger than anything ever conceived by man. She was now a fixture at the altar of infinity across spacetime. To observe those deities that spanned galaxies and reason. To have conscious thought for all the eternities of that reality. She was made anew, into a beacon with eyes that poured forth irradiated light and illuminated the alien gloom. Like the others, Mrs. Clare Jenkins was rebuilt as an edifice on some dark world across the sheets and membranes of spacetime. Far removed from Detroit, Michigan and the reality that she knew, so far that distance held no meaning. Reborn a living monument and conduit to those colossal beings, never to move again, existing only to observe and revere her new gods as they drift in the darkness of that place. Eternity doesn’t describe the time span that lies before her. Mrs. Clare Jenkins can only look on with unblinking eyes, silently screaming and worshiping those strange beings forever in the dark.

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© ChrisCrow