

chapter Ten

Days later Daniel went to see Jess.

"Well, hello Detective. Didn't expect to see you here." Daniel smiled.

"How's your neck?"

"It's fine. A little soar, but it's alright." Daniel nodded.

"Look, Jess, I want to apologize for the other day. What happened."

"Some first date huh?" She smiled and cocked her head.

"Mm. And what I told you about me..."

"Don't be sorry Detective. Your secrets safe with me. And there's no need to apologize. It wasn't your fault." He walked up to her and sat down on the table next to her.

"Since you already know about me, I'm going to tell you about the case. I have a friend that works for the government. She's a scientist, and a full blood. Her and her team were working on an experiment and it got loose."

"I see. And you're looking for this experiment."


"Have any leads?"


She stood in front of him and looked at him with concern.

"About the other day Daniel. I was a little shocked at what you told me, but it was a pleasant date. Until we got kidnapped. And I really don't mind what you did. It was actually really fun in a way. Maybe we could do it again sometime." He smiled.

"Trust me, Jess, you wouldn't want to be like me." Jess smiled slightly.

"I didn't mean that. I meant something else." He grinned.

"I know what you meant."

"Good." She said, kissing him gently.

At the station Daniel looked over the photos of the victims. He looked up at Downey, who had a grin on his face.

"What are you bloody ginning about?" He asked.

"Nothing. Just that you have a girlfriend." Daniel smiled.

"So. Problem?" Downey shook his head.

"No problem. It's just I'm really surprised is all. She's cute. And she suits you."

"You should try getting one yourself."

"Oh, no, not me. I'm not the girlfriend loving type."

"Ya never know Downey. You could be without even knowing it."

"Downey! Warren! In my office! Now!"

They both got up from their desks and went into the cheifs office.

"Have a seat boys." Downey sat down, but Daniel stayed standing.

"There's been another murder." Stated the chief.

"We're the victims the same?" Asked Danial, folding his arms and cocking his head.

"They were." Replied the Cheif. He continued.

"You two better get on it and find this guy before another murder occurs." He stated.

"We're trying Cheif, but with barely any evidence to catch this guy, what can we do?" Asked Downey.

"Better than you have been. Here's the latest." Said the Cheif, tossing a brown file on his desk.

"Read it, get to know it, and find what you can."

"Yes sir." Replied the two symotaniously.

"Well? What are you waiting for? And invitation? Get to it!"

The two men walked out of the chief's office and to their desks.

"Its ganna be a long day." Stated Downey with a sigh.

"Be glad you have a job still Downey." Replied Danal, putting on his coat.

© Elizabeth Harris