

Abstract (2020)
In a surreal environment, darkness merges with ambient sounds, and brutal winds violently whisper. Darkness envelops both the air and the sky, dimmed by the flicker of a near-faded candle. In this shadowy space, a mattress rests on the floor.

A knife, shimmering in the sun's glow, bears stains, symbolizing choices driven by a relentless need for speed. The boy, grappling with long-standing anger and a sense of otherness, attempts to conform to societal norms. Despite sincere efforts, genuine connections remain elusive, and he becomes more accustomed to solitude.

Engulfed in thoughts, a sinister plan takes shape. The boy finds a distorted sense of confidence, beauty, and power in dark intentions. He fixates on a girl, ensnaring her in a meticulously planned trap. The chilling events unfold, leaving her parents brutally murdered. The unsuspecting girl, oblivious to the horrors, faces a grotesque fate marked by the carving of initials. The aftermath sees their disappearance, leaving an unsettling void in the world.
© Trystin M.D Rehfeld